Well, I signed up again for the Level 1 cert. There are a good number of people in line, so once again I have some time to train. I don't think I am going to alter my training at all this time, however. Business as usual until it's my turn, then I'll rest for about 4-5 days before.
Here's the thing: I want this so bad. I had this idea of waiting for a while and just murdering the gripper next time. But I can't wait. I feel my max crush is on the rise with this choker training. I'm going to switch to the 164 Elite in a choker at about 15-20mm, whatever works. All I was missing from my previous attempt was some high-end closing power. I'll isolate that and make this happen.
I also have plans to chill out a little and hopefully actually submit a video for judging. I got a little caught up last time.
This time it's all cool; solid close; good video; done.