Monday, October 31, 2011


3 rounds of the following:
20 x push ups
15 x chair dips
20 x Abs, in-and-outs

Sunday, October 30, 2011


5 rounds of the following:
20x lunges
10x BW squats
30 sec wall sit

2x20 back extension therapy

Thursday, October 27, 2011


5 rounds of the following:
10 x push ups
5 x pull ups
5 x 2HP, 135lbs, 59mm

>>> I realized that this is the kind of workout I could be doing ALL THE TIME.  What the eff is wrong with me?  Left thumb tore on the last set.  Only real rest was to re-chalk for 2HP.  Decent little short little workout.


Warm up
HG150 x10, x10, x10

Working set
#3 @ 15mm choker reps, RH/LH

BBM (123#) MMS reps

>>> Kind of a heavy workout.  Ended each BBM set with a hold on the last rep.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Did this workout Monday night, but have been too sick to log it.  Some sort of virus ripped through my family once again!  It seems like once a month.  I think we're being natural selected.

Warm up
HG150 x10, x10
#1 x5, x5, x5
BBM x3

Working set
BBE x2 attempts, both misses
BBM x9
#3 x1
#1 x40

>>> Decent workout, and now I know why all my strength wasn't there.  Because I would be puking within hours!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Warm up
HG150 x10, x10
#1 x5, x5
BBM x3

Working Set
BBSM x2, x3
#3 x miss (not surprised after BBSM reps)
BBM x6, x7, x9

a few hours later...

SM x2 singles
#2.5 x2 singles
#3 x2, x2, x3 (third rep was a miss, forced in)

>>> I was rating grippers for someone and there was a nice #3 in there.  The first set of two was a solid close, a wide pause and another solid close.  Since that went so well I took video of the next two attempts at reps.  I really wanted three and I think I could have maybe even done four if I had not worked out earlier in the day!

Friday, October 14, 2011


2HP @ 52mm
I realized that I still have one of my 1/4" spacers loaned out and cannot make 58mm right now.  So I tried pinching at a different width.  Felt like garbage!
45# x10, touch and go
95# x5, touch and go

33# blob
5 regular lifts
5 lifts with +10#.
It's crazy that I could lift this 43lbs fairly easily, but my 42.5 fatman I don't feel like I'm anywhere near budging that thing.  Shows you how much the width and roundness matters!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Had a good workout and had a good attempt on my 167# Elite:

HG150, no set, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5
BBM x3 singles
Vendetta 3, x3 singles
167# BBE, 2 attempts, video is from the first attempt.

Still from the video.  Not a very big gap to close! 

Monday, October 10, 2011


Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth...

Finally, today, I rise to the surface to write about a workout I did instead of best laid plans and excuses.  By the way, if anyone knows how that poem ends, you may think I only surfaced because doomsday fires have made the depths uninhabitable.  That's not so far off, actually.  What actually happened is this sluggish form I've been molding for the past month took on a climate of its own which was rather inhospitable.  In other words--19th century British poetry aside--I feel like shit.  So much so that I embarked on a quest for my mojo.  I got a flavor of mojo from this workout, but the rest is still out there.  

Push ups, 9 sets, 111 reps
Pull ups, 6 sets, 52 reps

Workouts are bodyweight exercises based loosely on P90X videos, which I love.  For me right now, it's about using my body and feeling good.  This workout felt good.  I'm only going to track general numbers for now.  Mmm, mojo.  Thanks, I'll have another.

World's Strongest Hands, Final Result

The World's Strongest Hands series is a contest derived by David Horne of England; a grip legend in his own right, and consequently this year's overall Champion.  

The contest takes place over three legs, one each during August, September, and October.  On each of the three dates, the exact same events are contested Worldwide at 11 different sites.  Numbers are compiled for each date and ranked, then after all three legs were complete, the numbers are combined for an overall winner.  I missed leg 1 due to sickness and only recorded a score in legs 2 and 3, which were both great days for me.  

There are three classes: Open, Lightweight, and Female.  I competed in the Lightweight class, which is 82.5kg (181.5 pounds) or less bodyweight.  I averaged 165lbs and was one of the lighter competitors.  

Overall I placed 5th in the Lightweight Class!  This was in a field of 30 competitors Worldwide.  

I am INCREDIBLY happy with the 5th place finish. Even if I had of recorded a score in Leg 1, there is enough of a drop-off that I would still be in 5th.  Feels right for my performance. Very, very happy with 5th. I need to bring up my 2HP, but the GripTopz events suited me well. 

My proudest accomplishments during this contest series:

1st place finish at my local Leg 2 contest, Movement Minneapolis.  
2HP PR of 179.03# which put me over 80kg for this lift.
5th Place finish overall for 82.5kg class. 

Thanks to all who competed to make this a successful series.  Also thanks to my local promoter, Adam Glass, who hosted all three Legs at his gym.  Finally, thanks to David Horne for making the event possible.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

World's Strongest Hands, Leg 3

I had a good day of lifting, despite being an injury-laden slug for the past month!  I am very happy with how I did.  Here are my results:
3rd place locally, Movement Minneapolis
4th place, 82.5kg weight class Worldwide
27th place, Open Class, Worldwide

Vulcan @ 20mm             Level 14 (PR)            29th Worldwide
Two Hands Pinch           172.95#                    40th Worldwide
GripTopz Shallow Hub   44.26# (PR)               29th Worldwide
GripTopz Stub                40.30#                      18th Worldwide

I think I got lucky in Leg 2 in that my final weights were perfect picks for my strength that day.  My strategy was sound for this Leg, but not surprising the polished strength was not there.  So I believe I did as well as I possible could have.  Very happy.  Missed L15 on the Vulcan, but I've never closed anything higher than L12 on my Wasp spring.  2HP was a huge PR last leg and to get over 170 again was encouraging.  I got 179 off the ground twice.  Shallow Hub was a huge surprise.  I had done a little training on a plate at home and was INCREDIBLY happy with an over 20k lift.  I got 47# off the ground.  Stub was just under my PR from Leg 2 which was 41# and change.  I got 43# off the ground twice and couldn't hold.  Still a great finish in this event.

Adam ran a smooth contest as usual.  My hands fared pretty well and actually feel better today than going into the contest.  Hmm...  This my have been just what I needed to get my butt moving again.  It's invigorating to compete and the guys and gals who show up for the Minneapolis location are fun and motivating.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Short workout just to see what's what. 

Warm up
HG150 x10, x10 (no set)
#1 x10 (no set)
BBM x1, x2

>>> Hands felt okay.  Forearms were already a little achy by the end so I stopped there.  Unfortunately, I screwed up the time on my DR appt yesterday and the soonest they could reschedule is 10/31.  Dang!  I was very eager to ask some questions and get some answers about whatever is going on here.