The World's Strongest Hands series is a contest derived by David Horne of England; a grip legend in his own right, and consequently this year's overall Champion.
The contest takes place over three legs, one each during August, September, and October. On each of the three dates, the exact same events are contested Worldwide at 11 different sites. Numbers are compiled for each date and ranked, then after all three legs were complete, the numbers are combined for an overall winner. I missed leg 1 due to sickness and only recorded a score in legs 2 and 3, which were both great days for me.
There are three classes: Open, Lightweight, and Female. I competed in the Lightweight class, which is 82.5kg (181.5 pounds) or less bodyweight. I averaged 165lbs and was one of the lighter competitors.
Overall I placed 5th in the Lightweight Class! This was in a field of 30 competitors Worldwide.
I am INCREDIBLY happy with the 5th place finish. Even if I had of recorded a score in Leg 1, there is enough of a drop-off that I would still be in 5th. Feels right for my performance. Very, very happy with 5th. I need to bring up my 2HP, but the GripTopz events suited me well.
My proudest accomplishments during this contest series:
1st place finish at my local Leg 2 contest, Movement Minneapolis.
2HP PR of 179.03# which put me over 80kg for this lift.
5th Place finish overall for 82.5kg class.
Thanks to all who competed to make this a successful series. Also thanks to my local promoter, Adam Glass, who hosted all three Legs at his gym. Finally, thanks to David Horne for making the event possible.
Great performances Matt! Sounds like you've made great strides lately and I'll be lucky I'm not in the 82.5kg class in November.