P90X Chest/Back
Alternating pushups and pullups, many variations.
Total pushups = 157 over 11 sets
Total pullups = 64 over 8 sets
>>> On the first set of chins I got 22, which is a new personal best! I felt light, but will admit they were not dead hangs each time. Good range of motion though. I have run into this problem before---I was good for more than 22 tonight, but didn't want to totally kill it because it was the first set.
I have a hunch we are going to have a pullup challenge at work this week, so I'll kill it then. Go for 30.
I'm beginning to think the pullups number is wrong. I don't remember doing less than 6-8 in a set, and somehow the average is only 8 per set when I got 22 in one set...? Doesn't add up. I must have missed a number.