Friday, December 30, 2011


Hey, this is about it for 2011.  Buh bye.

My training is going really well.  I've been focusing on the EDT workouts and working in some 2HP, axle, levering, and very light grippers.

One of my major goals right now is a physique goal.  Essentially I want to drop bodyfat.  Call it vain, but I want it so I'm going for it.  The EDT workouts are great for this.  I really tightened up my diet and that has made all the difference in the world.  No dairy, no sweets, no fruit, no gluten.  I've been eating this way for about a month now and have never felt better.  I started running again as well because I had a ton of pent up energy.

I also lost about 8 pounds during December!  Right now I'm down to 154-155lbs.  I can't remember the last time I was this light.  Probably in high school.  Abs are popping.

Meanwhile, all the lifts I'm training are improving.  Push ups and pull ups for example I've started adding weight and increasing density in the workouts.  My core workouts have made it possible to deadlift again.  That feels strong.    

I just got another 1HP block from FBBC and will rig that up with my wooden pinch block so I can start training pinch pull ups.  That's something I've wanted to do for a while.

2HP I have been training in gloves and really like that.  I can do more volume without the skin tearing.  I have not tested myself on the actual lift since the Fall Decathlon.  I hope to be pulling 180-190 in early 2012.

The 82.5kg class is going to be a fun place to be during 2012!  Looking forward to next year.  See you there.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Escalating Density Training

I stumbled upon Escalating Density Training about 4 weeks ago and have been trying to learn more ever since.  Turns out Andrew Durniat gave a talk about EDT after the Gripmas Contest last week!  There is a summary of the talk at Josh Dale's Blog, the Peoples' Dietitian.  This list of advantages quoted from Josh's write up is exactly why I've been training this way:

  • This system works great for those trying to get stronger without putting on additional weight
  • This system also lends itself to those wanting to lose fat/exercising for body composition
  • Everybody has 10-15 min/day. I repeat EVERYBODY has this much time and if you say you don't you're a liar.
  • It has a built-in deload week to avoid burn-out and injury. Do you have a scheduled deload week in your current program; it's a yes or no question.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'm taking December off from grip training, but still working out otherwise.  Hope you have an excellent holiday season.