Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Getting it done.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • 164# BBE @ 20mm x5, not all were solid closes. Need more work at 20mm.
  • 5/8 SM x4, again not all solid closes tonight.
I skipped pony thumbs because I will likely try and do a pinch workout tomorrow night and I will murder my thumbs then.

Is it Halloween yet? I love Halloween.


I'm doing a burpee challenge at another board, AKA "Iron Online." The challenge is 100 days of burpees. Each day you do one more burpee than the day before. For example, you would do 37 burpees on day 37. 38 burpess on day 38. If you miss a day, then you make up all the burpees the next day. So if you miss day 37, then you would do 75 burpees on day 38.

Today is day 10 and I'm enjoying the challenge so far. 10 burpees actually gets my heart going. This is exactly the kind of physical activity that I need.

I've added a burpee counter in my "Been There!" list of PRs.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rolling Thundah!

I like Rolling Thunder. It really makes me feel human! Not like I really feel super-human otherwise, but this is always a humbling lift for me.
  • 70 x10
  • 105 x3
  • 130 x1
  • 145 x1/2 pull, x0 lifted for a neg
  • 120 x15, made it with both, left did better than right.
  • pony thumbs x3
I think it's interesting that my 15 rep performance feels like it's improving where my max is not necessarily. I need to try 125 next time. I also think I need to do this more often to see a good gain.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


My week has been nutso and I just now getting to the retroactive post. Workout was done on Monday or Tuesday.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • MM1 x2, MMS, not as easy as I thought they would be, but both closed.
  • 164# BBE @ 16mm, too easy.
  • 164# BBE @ 20mm, x3
  • 5/8 SM x3
Good workout. Forgot to do pony thumbs!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Round 2

Well, I signed up again for the Level 1 cert. There are a good number of people in line, so once again I have some time to train. I don't think I am going to alter my training at all this time, however. Business as usual until it's my turn, then I'll rest for about 4-5 days before.

Here's the thing: I want this so bad. I had this idea of waiting for a while and just murdering the gripper next time. But I can't wait. I feel my max crush is on the rise with this choker training. I'm going to switch to the 164 Elite in a choker at about 15-20mm, whatever works. All I was missing from my previous attempt was some high-end closing power. I'll isolate that and make this happen.

I also have plans to chill out a little and hopefully actually submit a video for judging. I got a little caught up last time.

This time it's all cool; solid close; good video; done.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Good night tonight. As a test, I took an attempt at the 164# Elite that I'm borrowing from my good friend Greg. I was happy that I was noticably closer than last time. >>LAST TIME<<

Here is the new gap:

So better for sure. At least there is measureable progress for 3 months of work! Here was my actual workout:
  • Hg150, #1, #2 warm up
  • BBE x2 attempts, first one was the best
  • MM1 @ 25mm x3, might have been 4. These felt better, quick and solid again.
  • 5/8 SM x3, might have been 4. Skin feeling abused.
I was doing the workout while watching Spanglish and didn't write anything down. That's how I lost track of the reps. It's great to see some progress!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gripp..errr wait, I mean pinch.

I set out to do grippers tonight, but it just wasn't there. So I did the only thing that made sense; switched to a pinch workout!
  • HG150 x warm up
  • #1 x5
  • #2 x2
  • MM1 @ 25mm, x2 that were closed but total duds as far as being quick and overcrushes
Bailed and switched to the Blob:
  • -36% x1, x1
  • -24% x1
  • -18% x0, x0, neg, neg
  • Pony thumbs x2
  • Super pause set on #2, x3. Pause set held as long as I could and then still eek out a close.
With the blob deload, I got -18% off the ground both times, maybe a foot. Left was on, right was fried and actually most of the righty lifts were assisted. The pause sets I just threw on the end to try them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Holy crap I'm sore today.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good Day

Better day today with the workout, although I'm still tired. Round 1 was tubbin kids..Heavy Hammer:
  • 2.5# x10, side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10, to the front
  • 5# x5, side-to-side
  • 5# x10, to the front, Kiddo #2 was DONE being in the tub or I would have done more.
Round 2 was later. Rolling Thunder felt great; better than ever in fact:
  • 70# x5
  • 105 x2 singles
  • 130 x1, easy
  • 140 x0, x1. The miss was a 3/4 pull. Tied my PR.
  • 143 x0, hovered!
  • 120 x15, made it on the right, had to assist 7 on the left. Yikes. Tied my PR righty.
  • Pony Thumbs x3, thumbs are torched!
I think that was my first pull with 140lbs. 145 is probably not too far away! I'm thinking of making a PR section on the main page that I can update. It's too hard to go look for them each time!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Funky Day

I've been busy or tired or both since my last workout, but tried to get a gripper workout in just to keep up.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • MM1 @ 25mm x5, not very quick, nice overcrush, no grinding knurling tonight.
  • out of gas
Had a headache too, blah blah blah can't win them all. There's always tomorrow!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crushing grippers

Tonight I opened the choker to 25mm and I have to say I couldn't tell a difference. I think this is going well. Thanks again Teemu for putting this easy suggestion for a program out there!
  • HG150 x warm up
  • #1 x reps
  • #2 x 2 doubles
  • MM1 @25mm x5, killed them. Good overcrush on each and a knurling pop on a couple.
  • 5/8 SM x3, these were tough tonight.
  • Tug4 x5 reps, 2 sets
  • Pony Thumbs x3, I love this.

I'll probably stay at 25mm for one more workout and work on speed. Not all of them were really quick. Here are two videos, one with good speed and one with a knurling click.

Quick close (with my karate-style "Psshht!")

Knurling pop at 7 seconds: