Sunday, December 13, 2009

Checking in.

I'm really enjoying this time off. I have spent the last 1-1/2 weeks analyzing my training and making plans for what is next. I have renewed drive for grippers and, big surprise, that will probably be my primary focus. But I am trying to plan a balanced approach to everything else that will not only keep me in better general fitness, but aid in hitting PRs.

My left shoulder is feeling pretty close to 100%. My right bicep is still bothering me off and on so I've been trying to stay away from exercises that involve it too much. So I've been doing lots of light lower body--lunges, squats, etc. I do feel pretty darn good overall.

Luke suggested that I might have pulled my bicep doing RT, which makes sense. I have noticed the pull on my bicep during RT workouts in the past. I'm guessing it did pull it during my 11/8 workout because it was right after that I started feeling symptoms. Makes sense to me. He said a muscle pull like that can take a month or more to heal, so I can be patient.

I changed the name of my blog for a fresh start. I feel ready to take off. Point me at the sky and watch me fly!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Taking a small break...

So, whatever I did to my shoulders and biceps is now a bit of a nag. It's a strained feeling that I notice most while doing everyday things: opening doors, closing drawers, brushing my teeth, drying my hands. It's been about 3-4 weeks now so I think I better back off until it feels better.

I've been keeping up on the high-rep gripper program and doing lots of extensors on my commute. I took a break around this time last year as well and I think I might make it a habit. There is enough going on during the holidays without having to worry about keeping a schedule.

My family is healthy. I have a job. A warm house. Life is good.

Happy holidays all.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thoughts about Pinch.

I happened to be looking through some old posts and came across this pinch video.

Apparently my 2HP best is this 157.5# lift. I thought I had recently set a PR of 155#.

In watching the video of the 157.5# lift, it appears to be 155 in plates and I must have been counting the pipe as 2.5#. It weighs that much for sure. It's a pretty thick iron pipe.

So I think this is weird. My pinch sure feels like it's getting stronger, but apparently I'm pretty much still where I started. Maybe even a little below. I don't do as many 2HP workouts as I should. But I would have thought that I could have added more than nothing over 8 months of various workouts. I'm clearly only doing enough to maintain and not lose pinch strength.

What the hell? Any suggestions?

Blowed up.

Grippers all week on the high-rep program. Right-middle finger is feeling a little bruised. The increased range of motion I'm using just feels normal now. I will log what amounted to a thumb workout from last night. I think this was more taxing because I am still a little sore from RT, but this just blew up my thumbs:
  • High rep grippers
  • Sledge walking, one handed x2 each side
  • Pony Thumbs x2, real slow and it BURNED.

Had a big, fat, puffy hand afterward. The sledge walking is the one-handed way I have seen Paul Knight do. He does it in this video at about 5:20. Really gets the thumb involved. My "sledge" is a 36" pipe clamp with a 2.5# weight slid down on to the clamping parts. Works perfectly. Probably weighs 6-8# overall.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good day.

I felt like a million bucks today.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rolling Thunder

And appropriately enough, it's raining here, but not a thunder storm I guess. It's friggin late November in Minnesota and this should be about a billion inches of snow, but it's raining instead. That's cool.
  • 70 x10
  • 105 x10
  • 115 x10
  • 120 x10
  • Pony thumbs x1
I did 15 minutes of same prior to this as well. I'm still liking that idea a lot. It's invigorating.


For the next 2 months, roughly, I have chosen to embark on a high-rep program that is currently in testing at the GripBoard. Since I can't post the actual workouts here, suffice it to say it's a lot of reps on lighter grippers. A LOT of reps.

The big news for me is that I am using this program to finally set my idea in motion to "retrain" my handle position. I am doing the reps with form that resembles TNS form.

My motivation for this is thricefold: 1) More range of motion with my pinkie on the gripper, 2) More comfortable handle position and 3) I want to find out if the added range of motion is actually more trainable than I thought.

What I mean by "more trainable" is that closing a gripper this way feels much more natural in my hand. It feels like the natural range of motion for my hand and sweeping motion for my fingers. This has to be a good thing. I suspect the only reason I cannot set gripper PRs with this form is because I have not trained this way--mostly in favor of keeping the gripper in the "sweet spot", which has served me well. However, I think putting the gripper in the sweet spot hurts. It hurts my palm, my middle finger and my wrist. And it has never felt quite right.

So, gripper workouts are happening pretty much every day. I'm sure I will have more to say as things go along.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

15 minutes of same.

I decided something today. I am officially sick of NOT using my body. I'm only 30 and I have more aches and pains then I care to tolerate. So, if I'm going to ache, it might as well be because I actually did something.

My first goal is "15 minutes of same". Every night, I will do the same thing. I will go to the basement for 15 minutes and I will do something. Anything. Bench, deads, burpees, push ups, presses, jog in place, kettlebells... Whatever comes to mind and I feel like doing; I will do that. A big mix of absolutely anything that sounds interesting. But whatever I do, I won't stop moving for at least 15 minutes.

15 minutes of same. I probably won't log what I've done because it doesn't really matter what I do. I just need to do something. Hopefully 15 minutes won't be adequate for long and I can increase the time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Pretty good workout tonight and it's always nice to get a PR. My 1HP was off and that is what I set out to do tonight. I bailed and switched to 2HP and I'm glad that I did.
I hit the pony clamp pretty hard because the thumb tear cut my workout short. I tried to do some pinch block after, but it just hurt and I was getting it bloody. Boo hoo, right? Ha!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

B and the BLOB

I just love this picture. My 15-month-old taking a shot at the Blob. She only weighs 23lbs so it would be a double body weight lift! She pulled on it and grunted a little. Maybe next time!

In other news, I'm still really sore. It's hard to take time off. My left shoulder is sore and my lats and back are sore today as well. I can't figure out what got me so sore...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Damn technology!

I'm doing a gripper workout and having some beer and I just made a totally bonehead mistake. I was taking some videos of grippers I have not tried in a while, including the Vendetta 3. I KILLED this gripper tonight and got an excellent video. Instead of watching it, however, I deleted it. It was one of those things where you are thinking through what you're doing, but not thinking about what you're doing. There are about three steps to deleting a video, but I carried on like that is what I set out to do. Dammit. Then, of course, when I tried to just take another video, the battery light starts flashing on the camera. Dammit anyway.

One thing that did go well is that I pretty much breezed through most of the grippers I have. Up to my MM1 and the 164# Elite which are the hardest grippers I have right now.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6 x1, easy these days.
  • BBGM 155# x1, went for a double and didn't quite get it.
  • Vendetta 3 x1, killed. Also calibrated this again for kicks and got 153 again which I believe is the true calibration of this gripper. The sweep is hard.
  • Filed BBGM x1, closed it for the first time. This is an adjustable gripper at 1/4" mount. I've never tried it except for at the end of a workout for negs. So I've never actually closed it until now. It's pretty easy at that setting. It's filed quite a bit.
  • MM1 replica x0, near miss, mostly due to the bicep issue mentioned below.
My biceps are feeling strained. I think I better rest until they feel better. I think it's from setting grippers, or the severe negs I did the other night left me a little more sore than I thought. They hurt right now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Was really not feeling the max crush tonight. Attempts at the 164# Elite were off by 1/4" or more.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6, 2 singles
  • 164# Elite, 2 attempts, both nasty misses
  • 164# Elite, negatives x4
  • Pony thumbs
I wasn't really feeling this workout so I abused myself a little with the Elite negs. I have not done negs in a while and figured I should add them back in here and there. Each was a good 5-7 sec all out crush. I can keep it pretty close to closed, what I consider the sweet spot for a negative. Left elbow hurts a little.

I wish my strength level was more predictable, or maybe I wish I was a better judge. Before starting I would have guessed that my crush would be on tonight. It was a good workout and it was nice to blast through some negs. But I want to be in a place where I know I will close the MM1 next time I pick it up.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I must be butter...

Because I'm on a roll! Had a great workout with Luke today and hit another PR that I've been chasing for about 2 years. I managed a double on the #3! I actually did it twice out of 3 attempts. The first was a pretty good miss. Based on that I didn't video the second attempt, which was the best one. Then I got it again on the third and got the video. Thanks to Luke for bringing the encouragement and the gripper -- it was his 152lb #3.

  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6, 1 rep x2
  • #3, 2 reps x3. Missed the first set, got the second and third. >>VIDEO<<
  • BLOB50
  • -42%, 1 rep x2
  • -30%, 1 rep x2
  • -18%, negative x2
  • 125, 3 reps x1
  • 140, 1 reps x1, could have been a little higher for a full pull.
  • 147.5, 1 reps x0, just went for it.
  • 125, 7 reps x1, 6 reps x1
Overall a good workout. I'll be sore for sure. Not quite the marathon that Luke and I will end up with from time to time, but a good amount of work.

And, finally, a double on the #3!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking

My thumbs hate me. Not that I blame them after this workout, but I don't think they'd even help me hitch for a ride.

Tonight I set a new Rolling Thunder PR! I really feel good about this because you--Ye Faithful Follower--may know that I am Rolling Thunderly challenged. PRs are often infrequent and momentously insignificant. Not tonight, however. Tonight I am triumphant.
  • Gripper warm up, HG150 and #1
  • 70 x10
  • 105 x2 singles
  • 140 x1, came up pretty quickly, both hands
  • 145 x1, xNeg. I should mention that this is 145 in plates. I never count the pin and handle.
  • 120 x15, made it on the right, had to assist about 5 on the left.
  • Pony thumbs x3, brutal tonight.
I consider another 5 pounds to be a trouncing of my old PR.

When I hit my sesquicentennial I should celebrate with some egg nog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Good gripper workout tonight.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6 x2 singles
  • 5/8 GM attempt, bad miss
  • BBE @ 20mm x4
  • 5/8 SM x3, brutal
I'm in training for 3 days at work, so probably won't workout again until this weekend. I'll probably do another smörgåsbord workout. Little bit of everything. That workout had me sore for a couple days afterward. I think it's good to over do it a little now and then!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Little bit of everything.

I didn't set out to have a buffet-style workout, but I just kept getting interested in everything sitting around:

Grippers course:
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6 x1, x2, the double felt pretty easy
  • BBE @ 20mm x2, not really feeling it.
Rolling Thunder course:
  • 105 x10, x10
BLOB50 course:
  • -30% x2 singles
  • -24% x2 singles
  • -18%, x0, x3 negatives held at the top for ~7-10 secs.
  • Pony Thumbs x3, I'm always feeling stronger on this.
  • Tug4 Ring+Pinkie x10, x10
Overall pretty good on everything. On the BLOB, I tried a slightly different hand position with my fingers fanned out a little more. I liked it because I felt I could engage my ring and pinkie more. I'm pretty sure it helped because I almost matched my -18% PR even after doing grippers and RT prior.

Also, I rocked the burpees between sets here and there.

Monday, October 19, 2009

More Grippers today.

Tonight was a pretty good gripper night so I took some videos and put them together:

Here is the actual workout:
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • T6 @ 1/4" x2 singles
  • MM1 x3 attempts
  • BBE @ 20mm x4
  • Pony thumbs x3
Overall, I need to get really serious again. I've been letting workouts slide, taking some extra rest, etc. Which I guess is good sometimes, but not when I have a 2nd date with the MM1 at some point in the near future. It's on now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rolling Thunder

This was a "not-so-great-but-at-least-I-did-the-work" workout.
  • 70# x10
  • 105 x5
  • 130 x7, 5 only on the left.
Then totally ran out of steam.
  • Pony thumbs x3
Maybe I will rest a day then hit a pinch workout on Friday. I've got to find some energy somewhere. It wasn't at the bottom of that bucket of caramels. Hmph.


Finally got to a workout last night. I've been a bit sick, a little busy, and a lot lazy.
  • HG150, #1, #2, warm up slurry
  • 164# BBE @20mm x5, these felt closed briefly, but I think were popping open a little. Probably a step back from the last workout.
  • 5/8 SM x3, these feel brutal lately. Mostly on the release when I open my hand.

I hope to get in a RT workout tonight! Burpees are still on track as well. Today is day 24. I think I'm the only one left in the challenge at Draper's site.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Quick gripper workout tonight:
  • HG150, #1, #2 Warm up.
  • 164# BBE @ 20mm x5, all closed, felt stronger. Good, solid closes. I'll do 20mm at least one more time.
  • 5/8 SM x3
Skipped pony thumbs due to time.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nerd Kicks

I finally got a new pair of shoes. I call them "nerd kicks" because I have a few orthopedic needs. Have you ever shopped for orthopedic shoes? Prepare to check your humility, ego, and your street cred at the door. We're talking about shoes that actually appear orthodic; even to onlooking toddlers. "Mommy, why does that man have space shoes?"

I ended up with the New Balance 993 -- their premier running/training shoe. It has a number of mobility and stability features hidden under a sleek gray exterior. It presents itself as a running shoe rather than an orthopedic sailboat.

What is the price of comfort, you ask? $152.95. Probably the same price as every other pair of shoes I've purchased. Ever. Also inside the shoe are my custom-made orthodic inserts and, in the left foot, a custom-made carbon fiber foot plate. (Isn't that what Transformers are made from?) Total cost of inserts: ~$300 after insurance helped. So, yes, I am now wearing $453 shoes. They better make my feet feel better. And transform into a jet or something...

Friday, October 2, 2009


The same three Red-Baron-looking planes fly in formation over my house every night. Where the hell are they going? I honestly get the feeling they are looking for trouble.

The big news tonight is with the BLOB50! I finally got a new PR on the deloader. For those of you just joining us, I rigged up my lat pulldown so that it would remove weight from the blob. I first tried to see how much weight would balance with the blob and it was about 82.5 pounds. It didn't seem very precise. Then I can express the amount of weight used to deload as a percentage of the total weight. My previous best was 20 pounds, or -24%.
  • 2HP 70# x warm up
  • 1HP 70# plus pipe x1, pipe probably weighs 2-3 pounds.
  • BLOB50
  • -30% x1
  • -18% x0, x0, x0 movement, x1 (PR), x0 turned into a negative
  • Wooden Pinch Block (same thickness as two plates)
  • 60# x5, x8, only made 5 on the left (have done 65 x10 before...)
  • Pony thumbs x3
Overall a decent workout! It's great to make progress on the BLOB50. I also believe that my deload is not a linear scale. 15 lbs really does not feel like much help, despite being 18% of the entire weight. Pony clamp is a bear these days. It kind of looks like a rubber band mummy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Getting it done.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • 164# BBE @ 20mm x5, not all were solid closes. Need more work at 20mm.
  • 5/8 SM x4, again not all solid closes tonight.
I skipped pony thumbs because I will likely try and do a pinch workout tomorrow night and I will murder my thumbs then.

Is it Halloween yet? I love Halloween.


I'm doing a burpee challenge at another board, AKA "Iron Online." The challenge is 100 days of burpees. Each day you do one more burpee than the day before. For example, you would do 37 burpees on day 37. 38 burpess on day 38. If you miss a day, then you make up all the burpees the next day. So if you miss day 37, then you would do 75 burpees on day 38.

Today is day 10 and I'm enjoying the challenge so far. 10 burpees actually gets my heart going. This is exactly the kind of physical activity that I need.

I've added a burpee counter in my "Been There!" list of PRs.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rolling Thundah!

I like Rolling Thunder. It really makes me feel human! Not like I really feel super-human otherwise, but this is always a humbling lift for me.
  • 70 x10
  • 105 x3
  • 130 x1
  • 145 x1/2 pull, x0 lifted for a neg
  • 120 x15, made it with both, left did better than right.
  • pony thumbs x3
I think it's interesting that my 15 rep performance feels like it's improving where my max is not necessarily. I need to try 125 next time. I also think I need to do this more often to see a good gain.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


My week has been nutso and I just now getting to the retroactive post. Workout was done on Monday or Tuesday.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • MM1 x2, MMS, not as easy as I thought they would be, but both closed.
  • 164# BBE @ 16mm, too easy.
  • 164# BBE @ 20mm, x3
  • 5/8 SM x3
Good workout. Forgot to do pony thumbs!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Round 2

Well, I signed up again for the Level 1 cert. There are a good number of people in line, so once again I have some time to train. I don't think I am going to alter my training at all this time, however. Business as usual until it's my turn, then I'll rest for about 4-5 days before.

Here's the thing: I want this so bad. I had this idea of waiting for a while and just murdering the gripper next time. But I can't wait. I feel my max crush is on the rise with this choker training. I'm going to switch to the 164 Elite in a choker at about 15-20mm, whatever works. All I was missing from my previous attempt was some high-end closing power. I'll isolate that and make this happen.

I also have plans to chill out a little and hopefully actually submit a video for judging. I got a little caught up last time.

This time it's all cool; solid close; good video; done.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Good night tonight. As a test, I took an attempt at the 164# Elite that I'm borrowing from my good friend Greg. I was happy that I was noticably closer than last time. >>LAST TIME<<

Here is the new gap:

So better for sure. At least there is measureable progress for 3 months of work! Here was my actual workout:
  • Hg150, #1, #2 warm up
  • BBE x2 attempts, first one was the best
  • MM1 @ 25mm x3, might have been 4. These felt better, quick and solid again.
  • 5/8 SM x3, might have been 4. Skin feeling abused.
I was doing the workout while watching Spanglish and didn't write anything down. That's how I lost track of the reps. It's great to see some progress!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gripp..errr wait, I mean pinch.

I set out to do grippers tonight, but it just wasn't there. So I did the only thing that made sense; switched to a pinch workout!
  • HG150 x warm up
  • #1 x5
  • #2 x2
  • MM1 @ 25mm, x2 that were closed but total duds as far as being quick and overcrushes
Bailed and switched to the Blob:
  • -36% x1, x1
  • -24% x1
  • -18% x0, x0, neg, neg
  • Pony thumbs x2
  • Super pause set on #2, x3. Pause set held as long as I could and then still eek out a close.
With the blob deload, I got -18% off the ground both times, maybe a foot. Left was on, right was fried and actually most of the righty lifts were assisted. The pause sets I just threw on the end to try them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Holy crap I'm sore today.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good Day

Better day today with the workout, although I'm still tired. Round 1 was tubbin kids..Heavy Hammer:
  • 2.5# x10, side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10, to the front
  • 5# x5, side-to-side
  • 5# x10, to the front, Kiddo #2 was DONE being in the tub or I would have done more.
Round 2 was later. Rolling Thunder felt great; better than ever in fact:
  • 70# x5
  • 105 x2 singles
  • 130 x1, easy
  • 140 x0, x1. The miss was a 3/4 pull. Tied my PR.
  • 143 x0, hovered!
  • 120 x15, made it on the right, had to assist 7 on the left. Yikes. Tied my PR righty.
  • Pony Thumbs x3, thumbs are torched!
I think that was my first pull with 140lbs. 145 is probably not too far away! I'm thinking of making a PR section on the main page that I can update. It's too hard to go look for them each time!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Funky Day

I've been busy or tired or both since my last workout, but tried to get a gripper workout in just to keep up.
  • HG150, #1, #2 warm up
  • MM1 @ 25mm x5, not very quick, nice overcrush, no grinding knurling tonight.
  • out of gas
Had a headache too, blah blah blah can't win them all. There's always tomorrow!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crushing grippers

Tonight I opened the choker to 25mm and I have to say I couldn't tell a difference. I think this is going well. Thanks again Teemu for putting this easy suggestion for a program out there!
  • HG150 x warm up
  • #1 x reps
  • #2 x 2 doubles
  • MM1 @25mm x5, killed them. Good overcrush on each and a knurling pop on a couple.
  • 5/8 SM x3, these were tough tonight.
  • Tug4 x5 reps, 2 sets
  • Pony Thumbs x3, I love this.

I'll probably stay at 25mm for one more workout and work on speed. Not all of them were really quick. Here are two videos, one with good speed and one with a knurling click.

Quick close (with my karate-style "Psshht!")

Knurling pop at 7 seconds:

Monday, August 31, 2009

PINCH -- on Monday

I've been meaning to log this pinch workout for two days. What a great workout!

First, I'd like to say that I've posted a few times at the GripBoard that I'm not positive it's possible to change your hands much. People talk about their hands getting thicker, etc, and I've always rolled my eyes and thought, "yeah right." I have to admit that I've noticed some changes in my hands. Most noticeably with my thumb pad, the back of my hand between my thumb and index, and on the pinky side of my palm where you would karate chop. Which makes sense because these are the biggest muscles on the hands in the first place.

What made me think of this is that after this pinch workout, I couldn't even recognize my hand as my own. It looked like a Frankenstein's monster hand attached to my stick arm. I showed my wife and she only said, "Eww, that's disgusting!" Heh, perfect. I may have to change my opinion about adding thickness over time. It seems to be happening.

  • 2hp, 70# warmup
  • 90 x2 reps
  • 120 x3 singles
  • 140 x1, felt heavy
  • 150 x0, about a 1/2 pull
  • 120 x6 reps
  • 1hp wood block, 55 x10 reps, 65 x10 reps. The second set was a struggle.
  • Pony Thumbs x3, added another rubberband wrapped around in triplicate. This is what finished off my thumbs! Holy cow. Good resistance with the added band.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More grippers!

So, I'm really enjoying this choker workout. I opened the choker a little from 20mm to 23mm. Each rep is quick and, for once, this didn't even feel like a max effort. In general, on a max effort I'm not very aware of what is happening because it's so much pressure on my fingers, joints, etc. But with these attempts, I can feel the handles come together, and I can purposefully drag the handle side-ways for a good grind. I think I will open the choker again more next workout.
  • MM1 @ 23mm x5
  • 5/8" SM x5 overcrushes
  • Pony thumbs x4, added another rubber band. This could stand to be even harder. I'm also really noticing an increase in strength and control on this.
I really think the overcrushes on the 5/8" gripper is helping with what I noticed on the choker closes. No doubt this BTR work contributes to grinding the handles on a normal gripper.

I need to work in a pinch workout before my next gripper workout. Maybe Monday night.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Grippahz in Chokahz

So, I was worried that my elbow might be aggrivated by a workout, but it felt great!
  • Warm-up on lighter grippers
  • MM1 @ 20mm x5, I really felt--and heard--the knurling pop on the first and last. Maybe time to open it a little.
  • 5/8" SM x3 overcrushes. It may have been 4, I can't remember.
  • Pony thumbs x4
Overall, a great workout. Real good.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rolling Thunder

Last night I did what ended up being a light RT workout. My left elbow was really bothering me so I didn't want to push anything.
  • 70x5
  • 105x3 singles
  • 125 x2 singes
  • 135x1
Strength felt pretty good. I put ice on my elbow for about an hour and it really feels better today. It was a weird strained feeling.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well that was hard work...

Choker workout! Damn that was hard work. I was very happy that at 20mm, I could kill my MM1 with speed and, for once, I could overcrush it enough to feel the knurling grind.
  • MM1 x5 singles @ 20mm
  • 5/8" SM x3
  • Pony thumbs x3
Hooray for little blood spots on my knuckles. Have not had those in a while.

By the way, I always do left-handed stuff as well, just same workout with lighter grippers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have decided I need to go choker crazy for a few weeks. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I will use my good friend Teemu's advice from this article >>LINK<<.

The structure is simple, 3 times per week:
  • 5 singles on a choker
  • 3-5 overcrushes with a lighter gripper

The focus in the choker is for an explosive close with a 3-5 sec hold. Misses are forced in. The choker is gradually widened as necessary. I will begin with my MM1 replica.

For the 3-5 overcrushes I will use my 5/8" SM.

I will continue to do pinch and RT during this time.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Business as usual...

Back to work!
  • 2HP warm up with 70#
  • 1HP, 70# x 2 full lifts with each hand. Felt good.
  • Blob50 -48%x1, -36%x1, -25%xpartial lift, -25%x1, -18%x0 and then 2 negs.
  • Blob50, 2HP x10seconds, x4
  • Tug4 xBunch, R+P. Tugs seem like more of a pinch exercise to me.
  • Pony thumbs, added yet another rubberband, x2
Good pinch workout.

Cert Attempt

All you need to know about my Mash Monster Level 1 cert attempt is that I missed, and I am really proud of how close I got!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My new favorite gripper right now is the 5/8" SM. I can't say enough about these little guys. I really like how they feel.
  • HG150 xbunch, every which way
  • #1 x10, quick reps
  • #2 x2 singles
  • 5/8 SM x3 singles
  • 5/8 GM x3 attempts, forced in for a negative crush
  • #2 x3, no set singles
  • 5/8 SM x3 singles, overcrushed
  • #1 xreps
  • Pony clamp x3 sets
Couple of notes here. I didn't write this down as I went along because I wanted to go by feel and just have a good workout. My thumbs feel strong on the Pony clamp. MM1 cert thread is open, so this is perfect timing. I ended up resting for week, doing a hard workout, and now I can rest until the perfect time and attack the cert with fresh hands.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The time has come!

It appears that I am next for the MM1 cert! I am through the roof excited about this. I had a workout scheduled for tonight anyway so I did a test run with my MM1 replica. I wrapped it up, and boxed it up and everything so I could warm up, open the box on camera, and take 3 attempts. I'm glad I did this because it helped me get set up and learn about what I would want nearby, etc. The video turned out great. Right now that's the best news.

Of the three attempts I took, the first was the best. I included a still of the set and close below. The second and third attempts were clear misses. Everything felt good and I actually would have said they were closed. The misses were paper thin. Just enough to see that it wasn't actually closed. I think I would have passed on the first attempt, but it was not a convincing close. I do hope to do better on cert day.
  • HG150 x10
  • #1 x10
  • #2 x3 singles
  • 5/8" SM x1
  • MM1 replica x3 attempts, 1st possibly closed, 2nd and 3rd clear misses
  • 5/8" SM x5 attempts, forced in and held
I was starting to lose some skin so I called it quits. My MM1 replica and the 5/8" SM have nasty sharp knurling.

Overall, I feel good about this. I can now take Luke's advice to eat like a pig and rest up. I believe I am prepared and will be successful for at least one attempt on cert day. Add some nerves to the mix and I think the job will be done.

I am ready. I am ready. I am ready.

1st attempt set:

Close. It was a brief, quick close. No hold like I've been able to do in the past.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meet up

Met with Mike (helterbot) tonight. He came over to pick up a gripper I sold him, and also brought some grippers to calibrate. Messed around with some grippers and was able to close his 154lb #3 which felt nice because my max crush has been off lately. Great guy, and he brought a Baseline Dyno that was fun. I think I pulled 190 or something.

I'm also checking my blog here to see what I did in the weeks prior to May 6, which was the day I had an excellent workout and closed my MM1 replica 5 out of 6 tries. I figure I've got maybe 2-3 weeks for my shot at the certification.

Here is how it broke down:

April 18 - Grippers
6 days rest
April 25 - Grippers (BBGM PR close)
3 days rest
April 29 - Pinch workout
6 days of rest
May 6 - MM1 closed

Luke has recommended that I don't do another pinch workout prior to the certification. From looking at this, I think the important thing is that I get 6 days rest to be in top form. So, starting from today, I am going to do a grip workout every 6 days until it's time to certify. I'll probably do a RT workout this weekend, though, since I've got probably 2 weeks to figure this out. Then a grip workout on the 5th, and again on the 12th. Hopefully it works out.

Heavy Hammer

Dirty buggers = Heavy Hammer.
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x5 side-to-side
  • 5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 to the rear
  • 7.5# x10 to the rear
I actually did this last night while the kids were tubbin, of course.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crazy workout

Went to Luke's today for a workout. Hoped Brouse could make it too, but he was not able. Maybe another time. As has been the trend, I didn't set any PRs at Luke's! Oh well, it was a good workout.

First, I just want to talk about my new favorite grip toy. I got 3 new grippers with the 5/8" handles. BBSM, GM and E. I really like the feel of these grippers. They fit my hand better than normal grippers. I also like the fact that they train BTR. They also seem easier to set. They have nasty sharp knurling. The close is tough. I could close the SM, but the GM is a good step up. I see myself training with these quite a bit! These are SWEEEET grippers.

Otherwise, did lots of stuff. Didn't write any of it down, but here's a shot:
  • Warmed up with a bunch of no set singles with the #1 and #2.
  • Took about 5 attempts at 5x10s. I got movement once, but for the most part it wasn't happening. I thought my recent blob work would have put me over the edge on this. Video below.
  • 2HP: 80x1, 120x1, 130x1, 150x1, 160x0x2, Got some movement on the 2nd attempt of 160, but lost it. Minor skin tear to go along.
  • Grippers: 5/8" SM xbunch, 5/8" GM x0, MM1 x0, #3 x0. I was a bit torched from previous stuff.
  • Wrist roller, 25#, 3 trips forward, 3 trips backward. Forearms were going to expload.
There are probably a few other things I can't remember. I'm fried. MM1 in a few weeks, probably. Maybe as little as 2-4. Max crush has been off so hopefully I can bring that back.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rolling Thunder

This is feeling good and tonight I had a noticable gain while doing reps.
  • 70# x10
  • 105 x3
  • 130 x1
  • 140 x0, x1 assisted it just enough to get it moving, x1 assisted as before
  • 120 x15, made it through on the right! Left was split 10/rest/5.
  • Pony thumbs x3
I was really happy to get the 15 reps righty at least. This definitely felt stronger than last time. 140 felt better too, but I was not able to get a full lift. The first attempt I did hover about 6" so I feel good about that.

Yes I also think it's weird that I can lift 120 for 15 reps and can get 140 for 1 rep!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

BLOB Workout

So I figured out that it takes 82.5# to balance the weight of the BLOB on the deloader. It's probably a very inexact measurement, but at least it allows me to measure my progress as a percentage of deloading. For example, 50lbs would be -60% of the BLOB's weight (50/82.5). All single attempts:
  • -60% x3, warm up
  • -48% x2
  • -36% x2, lost the first at the top
  • -30% x1, left only
  • -24% x1
  • -18% x2, both misses. Good movement on the first, did a neg on the second.
  • Pony thumbs x3
So right now, I guess my PR is -24% or 20lbs on the deloader. I might be good for a new PR next workout simply by moving up quicker.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


This rubbish was recently posted on Ironmind News. LINK.

Dr. Strossen is clueless about service and ignorant about his own product. Whatever purpose this editorial was meant to serve--I don't care. It is not offensive. It is not surprising. It is not even interesting.

It is also not very motivating.

I mention it here because possibly you noticed that I updated my goals. One of these days; I will lift the BLOB. I also hope to climb the Mash Monster ladder of grippers--which is a superior certification because every athlete at every level has closed the exact same gripper. I'm currently signed up for Level 1.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Grip workout

Managed a decent workout last night. Max crush was not quite there.

  • HG150 x20 x20 inverted
  • #1 x5
  • #2 x2, x2, x2
  • T6 @1/4" x1, x1
  • #3 (148#) x0, x0. I was surprised that I missed this. It feels a lot harder than 148#. The sweep kills me.
  • BBE (164#) in 20mm choker, x5 attempts. Each one missed by <2mm>
  • T6 @1/4" x2 reps with hold, then x1 overcrush.

In other news, I did some of the physical therapy and stretching that I'm supposed to do every day. My back really feels much better today. I knew I would know where this was headed by the end of the week. Here we are, and it seems to be heading the right direction.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back-to-back pain

Two years in a row!

Last August, I chased some kids around at a family get-together and was promptly riddled with a number of back issues all related to an L5/S1 disc extrusion. This was followed by about 6 months of (expensive) physical therapy.

Last weekend, I chased my kid around my yard only to get seriously pwn3d by my back yet again. This time I'm having a lot of right leg symptoms.

So here we are, back to back pain. I think I'll know by the end of this week which direction this will head. I'm feeling rather injured right now.

A self-awareness reminder to myself:
Hey dumbass! Grip workouts do not combat sedentary habits.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Heavy Hammer

Tubbin kiddos.

My neck and back are pretty tight and uncomfortable today, so I took it easy and also did this standing up for once and was surprised that it offered a much better workout.
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x8 side-to-side
  • 5# x8 to the front

I Heart The BLOB.

I finished my deloader last night, which is a dream to use. It's based on cemery's idea using two pulleys hanging from the ceiling. The only difference is that I used the lat pulldown part of my rack. Since it's a compound pulley system there is not a pound-for-pound offset. For example, I put 70# on the weight carriage and it didn't lift the BLOB off the floor.

Of course I had to goof with this last night and--with no real warm up and still feeling my previous RT workout--I got a full lift with only 40# on the carriage.

I'm not sure what that means, except that obviously the goal is to work toward zero pounds on the carriage. The assistance is such that 5# is barely noticable. 10# is noticable.

I think what I will have to do is keep adding weight to the carriage until it elevates the BLOB. Whatever weight breaks it off the ground will be 100%. Let's say it's 85#. Then possibly I can consider 40# on the carriage a 47% deload?

It was also good to finally fiddle with my hand position. I think I found a good spot and my guess is that fresh I will be good for only 30# on the deloader.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rolling Thumbs

Good workout tonight! It's muggy here. I know at least one person who reads my blog loves to hear about the local weather.
  • 70# x10
  • 105 x2 singles
  • 130 x1 easy
  • 145 x0, x3/4 lift, x1 assisted
  • 130, assist and hold, x2
  • 120 x15, had to take a few rests with the right, had to assist many on the left.
  • BLOB50, 2 hand lifts x5
  • Rolling Thunder 105 x15
  • Pony thumbs x3
Hey you Blob-lifters; Do you put the more rounded side on your thumb or fingers? This was a great workout. My hands were F-R-I-E-D.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Kettlebell again last night, forgot to post. 10mins, kept moving, mostly swings, squats, snatch, cleans, etc. Really basic stuff and it was still pretty difficult. Good stuff.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Good grip workout. Maybe a little bruising on the fingers, which I have not had in a while. I think I forgot to write everything down as I went along:
  • HG150 x20, x20 inverted
  • #1 x3
  • #2 x1, x1
  • T6 x1, x1 CCS (<1mm>
  • GM x1 (this curiously calibrated at 147 all of a sudden, felt harder than that)
  • MM1 x0, x1 (2nd attemt felt good)
  • BBE 164#, x0, x0 both forced in for a neg
  • BBE 174# severe neg x1

Forgot to do pony thumbs! Ding dang.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


In an effort to do more full body stuff, this is one of the main things I have added. I hope to do this often.
  • 20# Kettlebell x10mins. Just tried to keep moving doing swings, presses, squats, whatever seemed possible as this was relatively difficult for me, believe it or not.
Considering a grip workout.

Another side effect of this workout is that we bought pie and ice cream for tonight and now I think I would puke if I ate any. Good times.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Kids in the tub.

Now, I know what you're thinking... The last Heavy Hammer workout was on 5/11. While that was indeed the last workout, I assure you--and any Child and Family Service officials reading my blog--that the children have had many, many, baths since May.
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x8 side-to-side
  • 5# x10 to the front
  • 7.5# x10 to the rear
This workout felt pretty good for not having done this in a while. I need to keep it in here consistently.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Blob

I got a BLOB50! I picked it up from GordonV in person, but only met him briefly outside his work for the exchange. The quick passing of money, nearby idling car, and the way you have to cradle the BLOB50 when carrying it around is probably the closest I'll ever come to buying a baby on the black market. It would have been cool to hang out with Gordon!

Pinch workout
  • The Bear x10 warm up
  • 70 x5 2hp
  • 75# 1hp, miss, partial with left about 1ft off the ground!
  • 120 x1, 2hp
  • 140 x1
  • 155 x partial, miss. Partial was about 1ft off the ground.
  • 70 1hp, hold x1
  • BLOB50, 2hp, holds x5
  • Pony thumbs x3
The BLOB holds were interesting. It helped me get a feel for the width of the beast. I concentrated on squeezing really hard, like a pinch overcrush. Good workout for the thumbs!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back from vacation.

Did this workout last Thursday, Grippers:
  • HG150 x10
  • #1 x8
  • #2 x1
  • T6 x1
  • Vendetta 3, miss, miss
  • T6 xDouble, x1, x1
  • BBE neg
  • T6 x1
This was a weird workout. I rarely do a workout outside my "element." Chalk felt weird and it seemed like there was too much humidity or something. Max crush was just not there. My hands felt good otherwise and I stopped the workout because my wrists were feeling sore.

I believe I will be picking up a BLOB50 on Monday!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rolling Thunder!

Quick workout.
  • 90 x5
  • 115 x2
  • 140 x1 (New PR!)
  • 155 x0, 140 felt so good I shot for the moon.
  • 145 x0, maybe if I had not tried 155
  • 120 x15, tough but made it with the right.
  • Pony thumbs x2
I got the PR by basically yanking the weight off the floor. In the past, I usually ease into the lift more. My issue is breaking the weight off the floor. I don't think I've ever lost it at the top.

Monday, June 15, 2009

GAP to Offer "Confidence" kids, your favorite store is not selling a new fragerance. Put away your wallets.

I took another shot at the 164# BBE tonight and was left with what I decided was a 1/8" gap. This was measured by the very exact science of resizing the photo on my computer until the gripper handle measured 3/4", then I measured the gap on the screen. Exactly 1/8".

It's an approachable gap, I believe. Close enough to get into the powerful range of motion and really feel like I'm clamping down on the gripper. As if the slightest increase in strength or speed could topple the sticking point and keep the handle moving. Explosive speed is something I need to work on anyway. Maybe time to do some chokers next workout?

For your viewing pleasure; the GAP:

Tonight's workout:

  • HG150 warm up
  • #1 x singles
  • #2 x singles
  • T6 x2 singles
  • MM1 x1, it was nice to close this again proving my previous success was not a fluke.
  • BBE attempts x2, forced in
  • MM1 x1, could have been a miss. Let's call it a miss.
  • Double-filed BBSM, x1, forced in for a negative crush
  • Filed BBGM negative crush x3, brutal
  • Filed #2 reps x4, x8
  • Pony thumbs x3 sets, added another rubber band, wrapped in triplicate.
Overall, a good workout. Everything felt really good.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Great Green Globs

My beguiling and persuasive wife convinced me to help pull up a bunch of sod in the yard. Good lord, that's hard on the body. My hands and forearms are as sore as they've ever been with any grip workout.

We got the project done but it ruined my grip workout plans for last night. I was holding out hope for recovery today, but I am feeling pretty shot. I might do some light grippers if I have energy--we'll see.

Monday, June 8, 2009

V is for Vendetta

I have had a grudge with this gripper ever since it arrived from Ironmind. Last night I finally settled the score. This gripper has been calibrated by three different people everywhere from 163 to 150. I calibrated it again today at 155. I've rarely been able to get the same number twice. It has a 2-7/8" spread and a pretty unforgiving sweep. It has bested me consistently but no longer. Success. Victory. TRIUMPH!

I co
uldn't tell at first, but I'm pretty sure that sound you hear is the handles smacking. Handle, meet handle. You'll be spending a lot of time together.

2005 #3 Gripper Close VIDEO

Set width:



Big workout with Luke last night! When I was leaving, I made a comment to my wife, "How long could we possibly work out?" Apparently the answer is slightly over 2 hours!

We started with grippers and then pinch. My only goal on grippers was to close my 2005 #3, which I have never shut. The calibration for this gripper is crazy. It has gone as high as 163 and as low as 150. It's been calibrated by three different people; Luke, Acorn, and me. The frequency of oiling seems to make the most difference, but there is no clear reason for the difference in numbers. It has a hard sweep and about a 2-7/8 spread. Last night, I finally won! This gripper went down like a spectacular flaming meteor. It's not a PR, but just as exciting because it eluded me for so long. I intend to calibrate it again when I get home tonight to see where it stands right now. I will also post the video.

Otherwise, we blasted pinch and revolving handle lifts. I didn't write everything down, so here are the highlights I can remember:
  • 2005 #3 closed!
  • 2x35s came up again, both hands.
  • Made about 5 attempts at 5x10s and it was not meant to be.
  • Worked up to 147# on 2HP and broke 160# off the floor. That would have been a PR.
  • Did 3 ten second holds with 120-130#. Brutal.
  • Worked up to 135-140ish on Luke's 2" revolving stainless steel handle.
  • 15 reps at 115# on the 2" stainless handle. Ouch.
  • 15 reps at 105# on the 2" stainless handle.
  • TTK using the same method as on my Pony Thumbs.
Having a workout partner really makes a difference. I left nothing in the tank and I have a hard time getting to that point by myself. Thanks, Luke!

Video footage of the #3 close to come.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Before I started this workout I would have guessed it was going to be a good one. But turned out to be nothing special and I didn't have a ton of energy.
  • HG150 x15
  • HG150 x15 inverted
  • #1 x10
  • GM @ 1/4" x1, 1
  • #3 x1, 1
  • Filed GM @ 1/4" with long hold, x1, 1, 1
So here is the thing. I don't know much about peaking. I'll take any advice anyone has to give. I'm watching people I would assume are stronger than me miss the MM1. My turn is coming. Workouts like today show me that it's possible to feel good and be wrong. When it's my turn to cert, I have a plan in mind for warming up and testing myself and if it doesn't go well, I won't open the box that day, but I think that will shake my confidence.

Monday, May 25, 2009


It's always nice to get a PR on video! I captured on video 2x35s with both hands tonight.
  • 2HP warm up, light plates and 70lbs
  • 1HP, 70# x1, x1, x1 VIDEO
  • 1HP, 75# negs x1, x1
  • 2HP, 70# holds, ~5-10 secs with exaggerated wrist tip, x1, x1, x1
  • Pinch Block, 45x1, not feeling it
  • Pony Thumbs x2
So a shorter workout, but I am interested to see how my wrists/extensors/forearms respond.

Grippers are next.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I think this wrist/extensor/forearm pain I've been having is passing. I wonder if it was a combo of the RT and grip workout, plus about 55 hrs of solid typing over 5 days. Yuck. Overtime is nice, though.

I might not press my luck this weekend, but do some active recovery stuff instead. Like some extensor bands, maybe really light Heavy Hammer. An oxymoron methinks.

I feel like such a pansy at work with my nerdo-ergo-keyboard, but there is no doubt it provides a better wrist position while typing. If anyone gives me grief, I have a phonebook on standby so I can up the machismo right on the spot. :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So, the whole point of this workout was to see how I stacked up against a 164# BBE from my friend Greg:
  • HG150 X20
  • HG150 X15 inverted
  • #1 x3
  • #2 x2
  • BBGM @ 1/4" x1, super easy
  • #3 x1, super easy, almost got a double.
  • BBE, miss, bad set
  • BBGM, closed
  • BBE x2, both misses, maybe 1/8" at best or just outside
  • #2 x5
So, pretty good strength overall. There is some fatigue in my tendons or something. My pinky just didn't feel right, but didn't seem weak which I feel is good.

Overall, I'm fairly happy with this. I think I can get this BBE closed within a month. I'd like to be very close, or closing it when I come up for the MM1.

Work stress

So I've been working a ton lately--a 15 hr day here and there--and the typing seems to be taking a toll. I don't know if it's the beginning of carpal tunnel or what, but I don't like it. Feels like my hands are swollen, but they are not. Also I feel like there is some numbness in the pinky. I am getting one of those ergo-keyboards so maybe that will help.

I do hope to finally get to that gripper workout tonight and I feel recovered from working out, so it will be interesting so see if my hands feel fresh or what.

I really don't like the bit of numbness in my pinky.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friggin Sore

As above, I'm sore from that RT workout! Feels good.

Gripper workout is next, maybe this weekend. I am really excited to try a 164# Elite from my friend Greg. My guess is that I'll be anywhere from 1/8" to closed. We'll see!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rolling Thundah

This one was a bit passed due. I need to hit this every week to week-and-a-half.
  • 70# swings x8
  • 105 x3
  • 105 x3
  • 130 x0, best was about a 1/2 pull
  • 130 x0, just was not coming up
  • 120 x15, 7 reps were assisted righty, meaning that I gave just a little help to get it moving. 14 were assisted lefty.
  • 105 x15, all good reps, no break.
  • Pony Thumbs x3
This workout hit my thumbs pretty good. Now I just need to hit this again in a week or so and try 15 reps at 110lbs. I'm done thinking I can just skyrocket on this.

Heavy Hammer

Dirty kids = bath time = Heavy Hammer
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x15 to the front
  • 5# x10 side-to-side
  • 5# x5 to the front
  • 5# x5 to the front

So a lighter work out last night. I did cut it a bit short because Kid #2 was ready to get out of the tub.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Things are going well. Last night was another one of "those" nights. I wasn't really planning a workout, but decided to do grippers and managed 5 out of 6 solid closes on my MM1 Replica. I almost crapped my pants!

  • HG150 xbunch
  • #1 x3
  • #2 x2
  • HG300 x1
  • Adjustable BBGM x2 (I don't think I've tried to rep this before)
  • IM #3 x1, I've never had a #3 close feel so easy and solid
  • MM1 Replica, 6 attempts, closed, closed, closed, miss, closed, closed. VIDEO OF ATTEMPT #6

Most of the closes felt really good and solid. Attempt 6 almost ripped the callous off my palm. This is a replica that I bought directly from Warren and the handles are pinned, not adjustable. I've had it for a while and have never been closer than about 1/8". The calibration was 158#. Knurling is friggin sharp.

I am currently signed up for the MM1 at the Gripboard, but probably won't get my turn until July or August because of the roster ahead of me. But now I have no doubt I will be ready by then.

I can't say enough about the difference it has made to give more focus to all-around hand strength. I am positive my gripper PRs are the result of my pinch, RT and wrist workouts. That and some good-ole-fashioned hard work!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Out like a lion!

Okay, that's supposed to be March, but April went out like a lion with this pinch workout. My dear friend Greg Griffin will be sad to hear that, in a vulgar display of power, I dominated 2x35s tonight! We were quietly racing to complete the lift. Thanks for the motivation, Greg!

  • 2HP warmup, 75 x5
  • 2x35s attempts x6. Hovered attempts 1, 3, and 5, locked out attempt 4 and had a nice hold at the top. Only got the full lift with my left, which has always been stronger on pinch.
  • 2HP, 125, 145. The 125 lift really tore my thumbs. It must have slipped or something.
  • Pinch block, 45 x3, 55x1
  • Pinch block, ~10sec holds, 55x1, 55x1
  • Pony Thumbs x5
I hit the pony clamp harder than usual because I did cut the rest of the pinch workout short because of my torn thumbs. Big time pump on the thumb pad. Enough to make my wife say, "Your thumbs make me want to vomit."

Heavy Hammer

Kids are tubbin:
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 side-to-side
  • 5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 side-to-side
  • 5# x10 to the front

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Great Gripper Gain

Today was one of those days! I wasn't even planning a grip workout, but both kids were napping at the same time so I decided to give it a go. My initial motivation was to get any sort of coin hold with my 155# BBGM, which I have never closed.
  • HG150 x15, x10
  • #1 x5
  • #2 x1, 1, 1
  • 155# BBGM xMiss, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
  • BBGM coin hold x6 seconds, x3 seconds
  • #2 x6, 8, 10, 8
Overall a fantastic workout. Here are the videos I took. I could feel knurling touch on all three attempts that I took video.

Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3
Coin Hold

Also, here is a still from Attempt #2. I am freaking THROUGH THE ROOF about this.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Totally Forgot

I did Heavy Hammer on Sunday!
  • 2.5# x10 side-to-side
  • 2.5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 side-to-side
  • 5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 to the front
  • 5# x10 to the rear
  • 7.5# x1 to the front, wasn't able to do this before!
  • 7.5# x10 to the rear

Pretty happy with being able to control 7.5# for the front lever. This dropped like a rock last time I tried.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Schlitz and blood

Schlitz is good.

My index finger split open during this workout. Blood everywhere. Such is life!

  • warm up
  • #1 x4
  • #2 x2
  • BBGM x1, slammed shut
  • BBGM, CCS, x5 all misses, but close and felt good
  • Filed BBGM negs, x5
Overall, lots of energy to put into this workout, but I think I would have to take a total break for a week or more for my max strength to rebound. That ain't gonna happen.

Phone books

Well, I was kind of bored while the kids were napping, so I worked on my grip-n-rip phone book technique. Got some good, quick tears of phone books up to about 1-1/2" thick. Tore 4 books in all, but it was about 9 total rips because I had split the larger books into smaller ones.

And now I'm realizing that this will probably ruin my gripper workout tonight. Nerts! We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pinch and RT

Tried Luke's workout. Umm, holy crap. I was fried by the time I got to RT, but gave it my best. After a warmup:

Attempts at 70# x4. Hovered the first one. Did a negative with the last one and held it at the top and controlled decent. Getting closer!

125, 145, 155, 155 miss.

Pinch Block
50 x1, 55, 60, 65

1HP negatives with plates
75 x3

1HP pinch block holds for ~10secs
60 x2, 55 x3

Rolling Thunder
95 x1, 120 x1, 95 x15

Pony Thumbs x3, added another rubber band.

I think I'll split up Pinch and RT again in the future. I didn't have much left for RT. 2x35s will happen soon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wrists Again

Just one dirty kid in the tub tonight, but that still means Heavy Hammer:
  • 2.5# x10, side to side and to the front
  • 5# x10, side to side
  • 5# x10, to the front
  • 5# x10, to the front
  • 5# x10, to the rear
  • 7.5# x10, to the rear
  • 7.5# x10, to the rear
Pushed it a little harder this time. We'll see how that feels. I'm still weirded out by what happened last time when I pushed it a little and then my wrist hurt. Luke has advised, "Progess slowly." Indeed, Sir. I can think of a billion reasons why I don't want a wrist problem.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I could have probably waited one more day on this:
  • HG150 x bunch of no set closes
  • #1 x bunch of no set closes
  • #2 x 3 singles
  • BBGM @ 1/4", CCS singles x5, all misses, but as close as last time
  • Filed BBGM @ 1/4", negs x2
Not the best workout ever, but it's okay. I'm riding the high of my pinch and RT gains. Grippers will come around.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Yesterday I did about 30mins of kettlebell stuff, but with lots of breaks. I was sucking wind! My kettlebell is pretty light, 20 pounds, but I'm just getting used to using one in the first place. Did a bunch of swings, cleans, snatch, clean and press, squats, curls, tricep extension, basically anything I could think of to practice. Between this and the RT workout, my forearms are SORE today.