Friday, December 30, 2011


Hey, this is about it for 2011.  Buh bye.

My training is going really well.  I've been focusing on the EDT workouts and working in some 2HP, axle, levering, and very light grippers.

One of my major goals right now is a physique goal.  Essentially I want to drop bodyfat.  Call it vain, but I want it so I'm going for it.  The EDT workouts are great for this.  I really tightened up my diet and that has made all the difference in the world.  No dairy, no sweets, no fruit, no gluten.  I've been eating this way for about a month now and have never felt better.  I started running again as well because I had a ton of pent up energy.

I also lost about 8 pounds during December!  Right now I'm down to 154-155lbs.  I can't remember the last time I was this light.  Probably in high school.  Abs are popping.

Meanwhile, all the lifts I'm training are improving.  Push ups and pull ups for example I've started adding weight and increasing density in the workouts.  My core workouts have made it possible to deadlift again.  That feels strong.    

I just got another 1HP block from FBBC and will rig that up with my wooden pinch block so I can start training pinch pull ups.  That's something I've wanted to do for a while.

2HP I have been training in gloves and really like that.  I can do more volume without the skin tearing.  I have not tested myself on the actual lift since the Fall Decathlon.  I hope to be pulling 180-190 in early 2012.

The 82.5kg class is going to be a fun place to be during 2012!  Looking forward to next year.  See you there.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Escalating Density Training

I stumbled upon Escalating Density Training about 4 weeks ago and have been trying to learn more ever since.  Turns out Andrew Durniat gave a talk about EDT after the Gripmas Contest last week!  There is a summary of the talk at Josh Dale's Blog, the Peoples' Dietitian.  This list of advantages quoted from Josh's write up is exactly why I've been training this way:

  • This system works great for those trying to get stronger without putting on additional weight
  • This system also lends itself to those wanting to lose fat/exercising for body composition
  • Everybody has 10-15 min/day. I repeat EVERYBODY has this much time and if you say you don't you're a liar.
  • It has a built-in deload week to avoid burn-out and injury. Do you have a scheduled deload week in your current program; it's a yes or no question.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'm taking December off from grip training, but still working out otherwise.  Hope you have an excellent holiday season.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


3x1@90% (3 second overcrushes), used a 149 BBGM
3x3@70% (speed), used my #2

Demanding workout!  Speed was better than with the BBM.

Friday, November 18, 2011


5x5 #1 (recovery, 50% gripper)

>>> so apparently I can't follow simple instructions. This should have been 5x3 but oh well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


This is it...home stretch for the MM2.  I have six workouts planned that should just fit in prior to the cert.  Might look familiar to some of you who have been paying attention to the Mash Monster ladder recently!

5x3, 123# BBM (speed, 75% of max)

Monday, November 14, 2011


This decathlon exposed my exact same weaknesses as last time! Heavy lifts (axle, plateau buster), thick bar, and pinch feats.

Axle and plateau buster I did not push anything in order to protect my back. I only even took two lifts on each. My 2HP has increased a lot since last time, but I still could not lift hardly any of the blobs, thick bar, etc in the medley.

The decathlon sets up some interesting challenges. Like doing grippers for reps right after a rope hang to failure. Insane pump on the forearms. I then went straight over to the 2x45s for time. Very challenging!

Here are my full results:

MMS Grippers - 158lbs #3, 2nd place, contest PR
DOH Axle Deadlift - 250lbs, 7th place (only took 2 lifts)
2HP - 165lbs, 2nd place, (no explanation why this was off so much)
GripTopz Hub - 43.02lbs, 2nd place
2" FBBC V-bar - 195lbs, 6th place (pulled lefty to protect a sore RH finger)
Grippers for reps - 168 points, tied for 3rd place
Rope hang for time - 91 seconds, 2nd place
2x45s pinch for time - 22 seconds, 6th place
Plateau Buster one hand deadlift - 283lbs, tied for 10th place
Medley - 16 points, tied for 5th place. 


Final points (out of 1,000) along with NAGSA total (gripper+pinch+axle)
1st Place Ben Edwards 866 points ---- 643.86 lbs
2nd Place Ryan J pitts 865 points ---- 624.8 lbs
3rd Place Dustin Williams 792 points ---- 543.72
4th place David Dellanave 758 points ---- 558 lbs
5th place Matt Cannon 730 points ---- 573.01 lbs

Friday, November 11, 2011


Fall Decathlon is tomorrow, hosted at Adam Glass's gym The Movement in Plymouth.

I am most excited to meet Ben Edwards who is traveling from Kansas to compete despite being injured.  Ben has been a good friend and a great help to me in this sport, but I've never managed to meet him!

As far as the contest, I'm nursing a couple of nagging issues and will simply bring my best tomorrow.  Any PRs or good performaces I will take as they come, but not expecting much.  I've actually got a shot to place pretty well because Adam Glass is also injured and can't compete.  I could take 2nd if Chris Mathison shows up.

I will be taking token lifts in the axle deadlift, 2" vbar, and plateau buster in order to protect my back.

Should be fun!

Last Decathlon in May, Ryan Pitts of beat me by an incredibly narrow margin.  I would like to take him down.

Monday, November 7, 2011


4 rounds of the following:
20 x push ups, various
20 x abs, in-and-outs
10 x 10# lateral raise palming a kettlebell

Low energy today.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


5 rounds of the following:
20x lunges
20x BW squats
30 sec wall sit

>>> Sweaty some.  Rest/Ice/Motrin on the middle finger is going well.  Pain is less all the time.  Plan is to still give this two full weeks of rest.    

Thursday, November 3, 2011


HG150 x10, x10, x10
#1 x5, x5
BBM x2

BBE attempts x2, misses

Adjustable Filed BBGM @ 4mm, x2

>>> I've got some nagging trigger finger on my right hand middle finger.  This has been getting worse and I think I need to take maybe two weeks and heal this.  Ice, Motrin, and tape it to another finger when possible is what the doc said.  I can do that.  I have maybe foolishly been ignoring this a little, but now it's time to pay attention.  I need it to be 100% if I'm going to nail the MM2.  Might have to let Juha go ahead of me so that I have time to heal this properly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


4 rounds of the following:
15 x 25# dumbbell military press
10 x 25# hammer curls
10 x 10# rear felt fly
20 x abs, in-and-outs, arms raised

20 x back extension physical therapy.

>>> felt great. I'm not trying to kid myself with these shorter workouts, but this is SOO much better than doing NOTHING.


HG150 x10, x10, x10
#1 x5, x5, x5
BBM x1, x3

>>> This felt like garbage so I stopped.  Will save it for another day.

Monday, October 31, 2011


3 rounds of the following:
20 x push ups
15 x chair dips
20 x Abs, in-and-outs

Sunday, October 30, 2011


5 rounds of the following:
20x lunges
10x BW squats
30 sec wall sit

2x20 back extension therapy

Thursday, October 27, 2011


5 rounds of the following:
10 x push ups
5 x pull ups
5 x 2HP, 135lbs, 59mm

>>> I realized that this is the kind of workout I could be doing ALL THE TIME.  What the eff is wrong with me?  Left thumb tore on the last set.  Only real rest was to re-chalk for 2HP.  Decent little short little workout.


Warm up
HG150 x10, x10, x10

Working set
#3 @ 15mm choker reps, RH/LH

BBM (123#) MMS reps

>>> Kind of a heavy workout.  Ended each BBM set with a hold on the last rep.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Did this workout Monday night, but have been too sick to log it.  Some sort of virus ripped through my family once again!  It seems like once a month.  I think we're being natural selected.

Warm up
HG150 x10, x10
#1 x5, x5, x5
BBM x3

Working set
BBE x2 attempts, both misses
BBM x9
#3 x1
#1 x40

>>> Decent workout, and now I know why all my strength wasn't there.  Because I would be puking within hours!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Warm up
HG150 x10, x10
#1 x5, x5
BBM x3

Working Set
BBSM x2, x3
#3 x miss (not surprised after BBSM reps)
BBM x6, x7, x9

a few hours later...

SM x2 singles
#2.5 x2 singles
#3 x2, x2, x3 (third rep was a miss, forced in)

>>> I was rating grippers for someone and there was a nice #3 in there.  The first set of two was a solid close, a wide pause and another solid close.  Since that went so well I took video of the next two attempts at reps.  I really wanted three and I think I could have maybe even done four if I had not worked out earlier in the day!

Friday, October 14, 2011


2HP @ 52mm
I realized that I still have one of my 1/4" spacers loaned out and cannot make 58mm right now.  So I tried pinching at a different width.  Felt like garbage!
45# x10, touch and go
95# x5, touch and go

33# blob
5 regular lifts
5 lifts with +10#.
It's crazy that I could lift this 43lbs fairly easily, but my 42.5 fatman I don't feel like I'm anywhere near budging that thing.  Shows you how much the width and roundness matters!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Had a good workout and had a good attempt on my 167# Elite:

HG150, no set, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5
BBM x3 singles
Vendetta 3, x3 singles
167# BBE, 2 attempts, video is from the first attempt.

Still from the video.  Not a very big gap to close! 

Monday, October 10, 2011


Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth...

Finally, today, I rise to the surface to write about a workout I did instead of best laid plans and excuses.  By the way, if anyone knows how that poem ends, you may think I only surfaced because doomsday fires have made the depths uninhabitable.  That's not so far off, actually.  What actually happened is this sluggish form I've been molding for the past month took on a climate of its own which was rather inhospitable.  In other words--19th century British poetry aside--I feel like shit.  So much so that I embarked on a quest for my mojo.  I got a flavor of mojo from this workout, but the rest is still out there.  

Push ups, 9 sets, 111 reps
Pull ups, 6 sets, 52 reps

Workouts are bodyweight exercises based loosely on P90X videos, which I love.  For me right now, it's about using my body and feeling good.  This workout felt good.  I'm only going to track general numbers for now.  Mmm, mojo.  Thanks, I'll have another.

World's Strongest Hands, Final Result

The World's Strongest Hands series is a contest derived by David Horne of England; a grip legend in his own right, and consequently this year's overall Champion.  

The contest takes place over three legs, one each during August, September, and October.  On each of the three dates, the exact same events are contested Worldwide at 11 different sites.  Numbers are compiled for each date and ranked, then after all three legs were complete, the numbers are combined for an overall winner.  I missed leg 1 due to sickness and only recorded a score in legs 2 and 3, which were both great days for me.  

There are three classes: Open, Lightweight, and Female.  I competed in the Lightweight class, which is 82.5kg (181.5 pounds) or less bodyweight.  I averaged 165lbs and was one of the lighter competitors.  

Overall I placed 5th in the Lightweight Class!  This was in a field of 30 competitors Worldwide.  

I am INCREDIBLY happy with the 5th place finish. Even if I had of recorded a score in Leg 1, there is enough of a drop-off that I would still be in 5th.  Feels right for my performance. Very, very happy with 5th. I need to bring up my 2HP, but the GripTopz events suited me well. 

My proudest accomplishments during this contest series:

1st place finish at my local Leg 2 contest, Movement Minneapolis.  
2HP PR of 179.03# which put me over 80kg for this lift.
5th Place finish overall for 82.5kg class. 

Thanks to all who competed to make this a successful series.  Also thanks to my local promoter, Adam Glass, who hosted all three Legs at his gym.  Finally, thanks to David Horne for making the event possible.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

World's Strongest Hands, Leg 3

I had a good day of lifting, despite being an injury-laden slug for the past month!  I am very happy with how I did.  Here are my results:
3rd place locally, Movement Minneapolis
4th place, 82.5kg weight class Worldwide
27th place, Open Class, Worldwide

Vulcan @ 20mm             Level 14 (PR)            29th Worldwide
Two Hands Pinch           172.95#                    40th Worldwide
GripTopz Shallow Hub   44.26# (PR)               29th Worldwide
GripTopz Stub                40.30#                      18th Worldwide

I think I got lucky in Leg 2 in that my final weights were perfect picks for my strength that day.  My strategy was sound for this Leg, but not surprising the polished strength was not there.  So I believe I did as well as I possible could have.  Very happy.  Missed L15 on the Vulcan, but I've never closed anything higher than L12 on my Wasp spring.  2HP was a huge PR last leg and to get over 170 again was encouraging.  I got 179 off the ground twice.  Shallow Hub was a huge surprise.  I had done a little training on a plate at home and was INCREDIBLY happy with an over 20k lift.  I got 47# off the ground.  Stub was just under my PR from Leg 2 which was 41# and change.  I got 43# off the ground twice and couldn't hold.  Still a great finish in this event.

Adam ran a smooth contest as usual.  My hands fared pretty well and actually feel better today than going into the contest.  Hmm...  This my have been just what I needed to get my butt moving again.  It's invigorating to compete and the guys and gals who show up for the Minneapolis location are fun and motivating.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Short workout just to see what's what. 

Warm up
HG150 x10, x10 (no set)
#1 x10 (no set)
BBM x1, x2

>>> Hands felt okay.  Forearms were already a little achy by the end so I stopped there.  Unfortunately, I screwed up the time on my DR appt yesterday and the soonest they could reschedule is 10/31.  Dang!  I was very eager to ask some questions and get some answers about whatever is going on here. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I played around yesterday with my HG150 and that felt pretty good. But then worked 11 straight hours at my desk job today and my hands are pretty pissed again. This has got to be carpal tunnel.

Did back extension physical therapy tonight.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Back extension, physical therapy
Pull ups, x10, x5, x10

>>> Back feels pretty good actually.  No numbness in my right leg the last couple of days.

My biggest issue is this problem with my hands.  It started on 9/12 in just the left, and now is both hands.  Numbness, pins/needles, burning sensations, itching, pain, aches, THE WORKS!  24/7.  I am hoping hoping hoping this was over-training somehow even though that doesn't really make sense.  The symptoms wouldn't linger like this for so long.  It has some of the hallmarks of carpal tunnel, but that doesn't really make a ton of sense either.  I've added this to the list of things to discuss with my Rheumatologist when I go in a week.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Warm up HG150, no set, x10, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5,
BBM, x3

Working Set
RH: #3 @ 20mm
LH: BBSM @ 25mm
3/3 (stopped on left)

BBSM @ 25mm (RH only)

>>> My arms are smoked from the elbows down.  Some tendons, muscles, and nerves are pretty pissed at me right now.  Time to rest and recover.  I think I'll take a week off.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Hi, my name is Matt.  And I have back trouble.

In a nutshell, I got good news today.  MRI results.  I have a disk extrusion--and probably more accurately still have a disk extrusion.  I injured my back in 2008 and never had surgery.  Physical therapy has managed it well, but I have some new symptoms.  Possibly from an August car accident.  The good news?  Currently no action is required, but I need to make some lifestyle changes.

Bye bye 5/3/1.

It's nothing about the program, per se, but I am a person who should not be deadlifting or squatting with weight. Body weight squats?  Great.  Do as many as possible.  Pick up the kids?  Okay, just don't throw them.

If I'm being honest, I was doing 5/3/1 to "try and add some mass".  Or maybe "build a base of strength."  It's a little embarrassing to write that.  (Parrot Matt will say anything.  That stupid bird.)  5/3/1 is a good program, I believe that, but maybe I should do things that make sense to me.  Things that are good for who I am instead of who I want to be.  I'll never be a big person.  Maybe I should focus on being a strong person.

So here's the deal.  I've been cleared for basically any body weight exercise I can imagine.  So I will focus on those.  Specifically, I'm interested in pull ups, push ups, and lunges.  Okay, you got me, not so much lunges.  But I have to do something for my legs.  Also there are all my favorite grip lifts.  Most I can modify in some way so that I'm not taking risks with my back.  2HP will be the biggest challenge but I can work with that.  Partials in training and things like TTK to supplement.  9-o-clock and all is well.  These things will be plenty to keep me fit.

Who am I?

I'm a 165 pound, 32-year-old, grip-o-holic who is going to be able to rip off a shit-ton of pull ups.  I can live with that.


25 x3
30 x1
35 x1
40 x1, x1
45 x0, x0
35 x1, x1, x1

35 x1, x1, x1, x1, x1
37.5 x1, x1, x0
35 x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1

BACK EXTENSION physical therapy


HG150 x10, x10, x10
#1 x5, x5
BBM x1, x1, x1, x1, x1

>>> Kind of a "grease the groove" workout to see if it was a good day to workout.  Gonna wait until tomorrow.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Warm up
HG150, no set, x10, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5, x5
BBM, x3, x3

Working Set
RH: #3 @ 20mm
LH: Did not train.

BBM (123 rated)

#1 x 20

>>> Right felt good so I worked out. The deal with my left now feels more like some carpal tunnel.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Warm up
HG150, no set, x10, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5, x5
BBM, x3, x3

Working Set
RH: #3 @ 20mm
LH: Did not train.

BBSM @ 25mm

Mini-pony in coin pinch

>>> It was probably too soon to go again.  Didn't train my left because there is something going on with my forearm.  I'm thinking stress fracture?  I'm very aware of a perpendicular line of pain in my forearm, and my pinkie is staying a little numb.  No loss of strength, but I think I'll just rest until next Monday.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Warm up
HG150, no set, x10, x10, x10
#1, no set, x5, x5, x5
BBM, x3

Working Set
RH: #3 @ 20mm
LH: BBSM @ 25mm

BBSM @ 25mm both hands

Cool Down
#1 x 30, no set

Mini-pony in coin pinch, 2x20 both hands.

Leg 2 Rankings

Here are my Leg 2 rankings:

1st place overall, Movement Minneapolis local competition! (9 competitors)

5th place worldwide, 82.5kg weight class (24 competitors)

18th place worldwide, overall (93 competitors)

12th place overall on the GripTopz stub.

15th place overall on the GripTopz coin.

World's Strongest Hands - Leg 2

Competed this weekend at the Movement Gym.  Adam Glass was the host and ran a great contest!  Very well organized and ran quickly.  Here are my scores and some comments:

Vulcan @ 30mm
1) Level 9, good
2) Level 10, good
3) Level 11, miss
4) Level 11, good

>>> My fourth attempt for Level 11 was a battle.  I hit it probably 5 times and each time it gave just a little.  I couldn't believe I was able to bring it in.  Glad I stuck with the attempt.

2HP @ 58mm
1) 165.36, good
2) 172.85, good
3) 178.035, good
4) 183.215, miss

>>> I was a little gun-shy on this lift due to some back trouble.  However the lifts felt amazing.  Everything after the first attempt was a PR.  My previous best was 170 at Nationals.  I took a risk on the 4th lift based on how good the third lift felt.  I had roughly 181 loaded and then had Adam add two pounds at the last second.  I got air under 183.215 and that was very exciting.  I feel confident about going over 180 in Leg 3.

GripTopz Stub
1) 35.44, good
2) 37.93, good
3) 40.48, good
4) 41.79, good

>>> This was a good event for me, 12th overall.  I was actually hoping this would be good enough for an 82.5kg World Record, but Daniel Reinard stole that with a huge lift of 44.55.  I did get second in the class to his lift.  I had more in the tank too.  Video is below and I felt like I could have held this forever. 

GripTopz Coin
1) 32.06, good
2) 35.07, good
3) 37.03, miss
4) 37.03 miss

>>> I had high hopes for this lift!  35.07 was a very easy lift and 37.03 would have been a World Record.  I got it about halfway up on my 4th attempt, but it was not to be!  In heinsight, I should have tried for another safe number on the 3rd attempt, but 35.07 felt SOO light.  I finished 15th overall on this lift!  Video is below. 


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Warm up

Working Set
7x95 (est 1RM 117)

Military Press, 4x10x65
Pullups, 4x12 (three different grips)
Back extension, 3x10 Roman Chair

>>> You may have noticed I've skipped a squat and dead workout.  I was in a car accident on 8/14 and didn't think I was having any issues.  But all of a sudden on Tuesday night my right leg started getting numb for no apparent reason.  It's been getting worse a little, and better a little, but still there.  I'm going to go have it evaluated on Friday.  It's always something!


Light workout

HG150, no set
x10, x10, x10

#1, no set
x10, 10

3 singles

>>> My main goal was to see if my middle finger would hurt.  I didn't want to do too much with WSH on Sat, but didn't want to flat-out skip either.  The good news: Middle finger felt 100%.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Warm up
HG150, 3x10, no set
#1 x10, no set
BBM x3

Working set
BBSM choked @25mm

#3 choked @20mm
4/4 (dropped to BBSM for LH)

Cool down
#1 x30, no set.

>>> Middle finger right hand is sore as expected.  I'm not exactly sure what is bothering that.  It's not any sort of pain that's "in your face".  It's just there.  I can live with that.  

Monday, September 5, 2011


Time to ramp up on grippers and make a run at the MM2. I'll keep a journal of these workouts here and in a training log on the GripBoard:

Initially my workouts will focus on reps with a 90% of max gripper in a choker to get the razor edge back on my closing power. I feel my biggest challenge will be keeping my hands healthy.

First workout is tomorrow!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Warm up

Working Set
12x160 (est 1RM 224)

Bench, 5x10x125
Pullups, 5x12, various grip

>>> Good workout.  I needed a good workout.

In other news, my right middle finger is staying sore where the finger meets the hand.  I can't figure out what is aggravating this.  The time it hurts most is during grippers, but I have not really been working grippers much.  I don't think that is what is causing the pain even if that is when it shows up.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


25 x3
30 x2 (singles)
35 x0, x1, x0, x1, x1

35 x7 (singles)

Blob 32.5
Regular pulls x bunch
Few face lifts with my thumb on the flat spot.
Few face lifts with all fingers on the round edge.
Few Index+Middle lifts.
Few Ring+Pinkie lifts.
ALMOST got a Thumb+Middle finger lift!
It's time to start adding weight.

>>> Coin and stub work just did not feel great.  I've been in a funk for about a week.  Some kind of allergies are just KILLING me.  Overall, I feel I need to do more work, be more consistent, and train harder.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


127#, x6, x2

127#, x3, x3, x3, x10

York 32.5 Grab-and-Go
3x10 both hands

>>> 57-58mm on the 2HP definitely felt best.  I will stay wide for
WSH Leg 2. 

The York blob I borrowed from Adam Glass and I think it's 32.5#.  I can't remember.  Grab-and-Go is just what I call reps, but no positioning of the hand.  Just reach down, grab, lift, repeat. 


Level, RH/LH
L7, 1/1
L10, 1/1
L12, 1/0
L13, miss (no block)
L7, 12/7
L7, 7/5

>>> Setting is getting better. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Warm up

Working Sets
9x90 (est 1RM 116)

Pullups 7x10 various grip
Military Press, dumbbells, 5x10x35

25x5 singles
Worked on form a little trying to get the same feel based on the notes I took about the real implement.


Rated some grippers and can't help but play with them too:

IM Sport x10
IM 1.5 x10
IM 2 x8
IM 2.5 CCS x3 (singles)
IM 3 x1 miss
5/8 GM x1 miss
BBM 5/8 x1

>>> I just can't get excited about grippers lately.  I need to go back to workouts on my commute probably.  Closed the MM1 that way :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Went to Adam Glass's place today to train the contest lifts on the actual equipment.

Coin Pinch

Going into today, I was pulling 40+ pounds on my setup, which is a cross-section of the handle from a York 100 dumbbell with a hole drilled through.  I had never counted my loading pin in hopes that I would only lose a little "fudge" and still pull similar numbers on the real deal.  As usual, I kept lousy notes about what I did.  I only get good notes when I'm by myself.  Got a really easy lift on 34.5#.  At 35# I got two 1/2 pulls.  Not feeling it.  Right now I'm really disappointed my numbers are not transferring better.  So I did some rep work and then moved on to stub, Vulcan, and 2HP.  Still pissed, I came back to 37# later and got two 1/2 pulls with that!  I feel better about that, but need to keep my nose down and train this harder.  I took some notes about the dimensions of the real deal and now I can make my training more specific.  I will, will, will, will, pull 17kg (37.5#) at WSH Leg 2.

I had pulled 42.5# on my set up, and just like the coin I pulled slightly less on the real thing.  I took horrible notes about what I did, but from what I can tell I got 38#.  I took a bunch of lifts and also noted the dimensions so that I can improve my device.  

Good news here.  I played with a bunch of widths and pulled a new PR.  173.5#.  I hopped 176 off the ground (which I wrote down as 181 but then decided later it could not have been based on the weights sitting around on the floor).
173.5 x1
176 x hop
181 x 0 (was double-checking that the 176 before was not 181)
172 x2

So I think I really like 53mm and need to play with this more prior to WSH Leg 2.  Back-to-back the 172ish lift felt better at 53mm than at 56mm.  I need to play more with 58mm too though.

Not a ton to report here, except that the dipped spring is friggin HARD.  I lose about 3 levels from my Wasp spring.  I closed L9 with the 30mm block and could not get L11.  Didn't try L10.  L9 was easy, L11 was a total brick.  Pfft.  Vulcan is certainly not one of my favorite griplements.

>>> Overall a great day.  Good to see Adam.  The Movement Minneapolis was a great gym before and it is downright incredible in the new space.  Another high for the day is that I was able to hang from Adam's pinch pull up bar.  I did this about three times and the second time I was able to begin a pull up but could not hold on.  That's a cool movement.    

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Warm up

Working Set
10x150 (est 1RM 200)

Squat, 5x10x115

>>> Two shouts here:  1) MIGHTY JOE - Thank you so much for the phone advice and emails to work on my squat form.  I was able to do this work pain free and my knees feel like a million bucks.  2) BGALLY - Thank you for the tip to pick up some Tommy Kono knee sleeves.  These things are amazing.  By the end of the workout my knees were DRIPPING sweat.  The sleeves give great support and kept the joint warm.  Perfect.   


HG300 no set, x5 singles
T6 x2
BBSM x2 singles
Vendetta 3 x1

>>> I should not have even touched grippers because my arms and bicep tie-ins are really achy.  I think from deads and also all the coin and stub work.  But I really wanted to see if I could close a #3 right now...and I could.  Happy with that!  I was actually feeling pretty strong on grippers.  The BBSM singles were solid pauses, PKS style.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

VULCAN @ 30mm

Level, RH/LH
L4, 10/10
L7, 10/10
L10, 1/1
L12, 1/0
L12, 1/0
L9, 5/3
L8, 7/3
L7, 10/9
L7, 10/9

Total, 55/45

>>> My neck is either sore from deads or my 8/14 car crash.  It was getting achy toward the end of the workout in the same way as during the bench workout. 

Monday, August 22, 2011


Warm up
3x20 push-ups

Working Set
10x150 (est 1RM 200)

Pull-ups x4

>>> I'm not trying to start a trend of "I'm not doing jack shit" assistance, but my neck tweeked on the last set of bench.  Basically an instant headache.  Soo, I decided to sit the rest of this one out.  Probably need a little more rest.  

Sunday, August 21, 2011


35x1, x1 (PR)
30x1, x1

>>> Wow, so this thing hurts more than I remember.  I fashioned my own stub about of a piece of 1/4" x 6" CRS.  It's nothing more than a hook with the stub sticking up.

I was careful to only grab the top 3/4" or so and tilting is impossible.  My index fingers took a beating over just those 6 reps.  

Here is one interesting thing.  For the most part, it seems that people can lift more on the stub than coin.  On my two makeshift implements, I can pull more on the coin than the stub.  Makes me question how my coin numbers will transfer.  No matter!  I can train the lifts either way, and next weekend I plan to go to Adam's open gym.   


Warm up

Working Set
12x225 (est 1RM 315)

Ain't doing jack shit.
Low energy weekend.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

VULCAN @30mm

L4, 10/10
L7, 8/8
L7, 10/8
L10, 1/0
L10, 1/1
L7, 10/9
L7, 10/9
#2, 17/9 (20mm block)

>>> Not a very hard workout, but the big news here is that I was able to tolerate the pain in my right hand enough to work out.  That cut is still healing, but healing well.  I could tolerate the direct pressure, but the heavier sets squished out a little blood.  Oh well. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Do it! 


Warm up

Working Set

MP, 5x10x65
Chins, 5 sets
25 chins
16 pullups
16 chins
13 close-grip pullups
17 chins
87 TOTAL (PR!)

>>> Killed two PRs here.  KILLED.  Previous best for one set was 22, now 25.  Previous best for 5 sets was 70, now 87.  This hurt.  I don't think I'll go this hard every time.  I was super-setting the chins with military press so I think I could get 90 by not doing that and not going so big on the first set. 

What a great workout!


0x40 (got air though)
1x37.5 (PR!)

>>> All weights are plates only.  Pin and implement is ~1#.  It's one of my goals to take this WR in WSH Leg 2.  This lift of 37.5 is over the current WR of 36.92#.  Full disclosure is that I'm pinching on a homemade coin setup.  I hope to stop at Adam's gym prior to Leg 2 and double check how weights transfer.  One thing I know is that I will pull 40# on my setup before Leg 2. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SQUAT (deload)

Did a final squat workout where my focus was the movement and working with Mighty Joe on form.  Sent him a video to critique and he said form is excellent.  So next squat workout will be with weight (and the TK knee sleeves I ordered).

Messed around with Rolling Thunder a little.  I still suck at this lift.  A bunch of singles at 90# and 125#.  Nothing worth reporting really.

One problem is that RT really bothered the cut that is still healing on my right palm.  A little over a week ago, I scooped a big hunk of meat off my palm in a Disney Princess magic wand accident.  Seriously.  It's actually been healing very well and will leave a gnarly scar, which is badass.  But right now the only thing that hurts is direct inward pressure like from a gripper handle, and the RT handle bothered it too.  I don't know when I'll be able to train grippers, but I'm trying different ways of protecting it just so I can get through a workout.  I need to practice 30mm block set on the Vulcan for WSH Leg 2. 

Otherwise, all is well. 



So in the process of lifting heavier for about a month now, and eating as much protein as I can stomach--and eating particularly clean for me in general--I lost about 3 pounds.  Currently 161#.

I actually hoped to put on a little weight.  But what I seem to have managed to do is gain strength (as evidenced by my steady climb on 5/3/1) and lose some body fat.  What I thought was a noticable increase in size is probably just more definition.  Although I swear my chest and arms are bigger than a month ago.  Should have taken measurements. 

Whatver!  I don't need to be heavier.  I just want to increase my base level of strength and that seems to be happening.  And look like an athlete as much as possible.  Abs are coming out again and I feel strong.  That's fine with me.    

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Warm up
3x5x35 (dumbbells)

Working set

Bench, 5x10x115
Pullups 5x14 (PR)

2HP @ 57mm

>>> Bench was easy.  Probably waaaay too easy but it's the back-down week, I get that. 

Awesome PR on pullups.  70 reps over 5 sets.  And I have to say there was more in the tank.  I did pullups, chinups, close-grip pullups, chinups again, and finally close-grip pullups.  I'll go for sets of 16 next week. 

Pinch was high reps.  Felt good.  Everything felt really good for being on my death bed yesterday.  Felt light today.  Ha!  I guess that's what happens when you puke and don't eat for a day.  Back to work. 

WSH Leg 1

I am so excited to see the Leg 1 results and especially for the 82.5 class.  It sounds like there was a healthy 82.5 turnout at many sites. 

Unfortunately I was unable to attend.  The culprit seems to have been food poisoning because I'm almost 100% today.  Yesterday I wanted to die and all I could think about was the contest.  If I even could have walked I would have gone. 

Congratulations to all who competed!  There is nothing like competition to make you feel alive.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DEADS (deload)

Warm up

Working Set

Lunges, 3x10
Back Ext, 3x10

>>> Somehow forgot to log this workout.  Taking it easy so I wouldn't be sore or wiped out for upcoming WSH on Saturday. 

Monday, August 8, 2011


Warm up

Working set

Military Press, 5x10x55
Various grip pullups, 5x12 (easier than last time!)

Coin Lift
0x40 some movement
37.5 x negative
35 x negative

>>> Skipped blog drags because I don't want to overdue pinches and get sore thumbs prior to Saturday contest.  Pullups I will probably increase to 14 reps per set next workout.  They are getting easier.

Also worked on squat movement based on advice I've received.  Knees feel good.  Great in fact. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Warm up

Working set
12x160 (est 1RM 224)

2x10 lunges

>>> I need to get better at squats.  I've got a few people who are willing to help.  I'm sure there are a few changes I need to make!  Not a ton of energy tonight.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Warm up

Working set
8x165 (est 1RM 209)

Bench, 4x10x115
DB row, 4x10x35

L4 x12
L7 x10
L12 x1 (RH), L10 x1 (LH)
L13 miss

2HP @ 57mm
1x166, plus another 3/4 pull
10x136 then drop to 10x116

>>> Another great workout!  Got the L12 Vulcan close on video.  I had nothing on L13.  At least I am closing L12 consistently at 20mm. 

I'm most excited about 2HP.  I pulled 166 and got that on video too!  I was struggling with 156 on my setup prior to Nationals and then pulled 170 on a good setup.  Mine is seasoning finally so that helped I'm sure, but pulling 166 on my setup sets the stage nicely for another PR lift at WSH on Saturday.  I'm also doing well with volume.  The last set of basically 20 consecutive reps is more reps and weight than ever.  No skin tears.

I feel good about bench too.  Feeling strong!  Here are the two highlights from the workout:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WSH Leg 1 predictions

This is going to be perfect.  My 5/3/1 deload is next week and then Leg 1 is on Saturday.  Perfect. 

Here are my predictions for Leg 1. 

1. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - 20mm block close
>>> The setting work and experimenting I have been doing have paid off.  I managed a L12 close recently and didn't push myself to L13.  I expect a L12-L14 close at the contest.

2. Two Hands Pinch Lift
>>> Pinch is up for sure.  I recently did a bunch of singles at 156# which came up a lot easier than before Nats where I pulled 170.  Jedd's setup had an epic good grip.  Last time I pinched on Adam's it was at 48mm and I have since learned that I need to be around 56-58mm.  I will see how warm ups feel, but will try and position myself to improve on 170.  I'll probably open at 160 if I feel good, then go 170, then try and get a new PR. 

3. Half a Penny (one hand) – GripTopz
>>> Going for 40lbs.  Pulled 30lbs in May.  35 came up in training pretty easily. 

4. Shallow Hub (one hand) – GripTopz
>>> Going for 35lbs.  I have a 35lbs plate with a similar shallow wide hub and have been getting air under that. 

5. Axle deadlift.
>>> Adam will have a 5th event after the WSH events.  I am happy that it's axle because it will be an easy chance for me to improve my Nags total.  I have now pulled 280 in training and have been working deads hard.  My goal is 300. 

Overall, I would like to come out of Leg 1 in the top 10 worldwide for the 82.5kg class.  Maybe a tall order, but that's my goal!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Warm up

Working set
8x240 (est 1RM 304)


Shallow wide hub
25# x8
27.5 x6
30x1, x1,x0

Blob 42.5 drags x10

>>> Yeah! Deadlift felt great and I think I am getting the hang of this lift. Did all of the assistance work this time. Felt strong and, for what it's worth, my est 1RM is over 300.

Wide shallow hub was on a plate. For added weight I just stacked another small plate and put my thumb through the hole.

Blob drags was left only because I cut my thumb somehow on the hub and couldn't stop the bleeding without a bandaid and that made getting a grip impossible.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Warm up
3x5x25 (dumbbells)

Working set
8x90 (est 1RM 114)

MP 5x10x55
Pullups x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

L11@25mm x1
L12@20mm x1 (hell yeauh!)
L9@20mm x13, then L5@20mm x8 (RH)
L8@20mm x6, then L6@20mm x4 (LH)

Coin lift
30x1, x1
40x neg
30x hold

Blob 42.5 drags x10

Friday, July 29, 2011


Leg 1 Events:
1. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - 20mm block close
2. Two Hands Pinch Lift
3. Half a Penny (one hand) – GripTopz
4. Shallow Hub (one hand) – GripTopz

>>> My grip training will focus on these events for the next couple weeks to try and make as good of a showing as possible on August 13th at World's Strongest Hands Leg 1 at the Movement Gym in Plymouth. 
Probably should have started about two weeks ago on the penny and hubs.  Vulcan I've been working the set constantly, but it's time to hone the crush a little more.  I have a 25lb plate that is a perfect shallow wider hub to train on. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

PINCH @57mm

Singles 5x146
Singles 3x156
10x125 (reset each time)

Blob drags
42.5 Fatman x10

>>> The last set of pinch was brutal! Form is getting much better and virtually no skin tears.

My 42.5 fatman arrived today and it's beautiful. Nice grippy surface. I can't pick it up either but it's close so I am switching to this one until I can then I will go back to the 50.

Also did a pretty easy L10 Vulcan close off the cuff.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Warm up

Working set
5x135 (was supposed to be 3, but forgot!)
12x150 (est 1RM 210)

3x10x115 squats
2x10x45 good mornings
5x10 Lunges (both legs)

Blob drags x10
GHR negs x10

>>> Squat felt okay and knees were achy.  I switched to good mornings after three sets of squats because my left knee was tweeky.  Really happy with the last working set and could have pushed it farther, but I feel like I want to progress reasonably on squats since I have not done them in so long.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Warm up
Push ups, 3x20

Working set
9x155 (est 1RM 201)

Bench 4x10x115
Chair dips 4x10

HG150 warm up
#2 x10
L7 x1, L10 x1, L11 miss
BBSM, 3 sets, RH x2, LH x1
L7, 3x10

Blob drags x10 (both hands)
GHR negs x10

>>> Really happy with the last set of bench.  Felt good and may have had another with a spot, but didn't want to risk it without. 

Blob drags are improving and I feel like my grip on the weight is better.  Pretty soon I might be able to drag it toward my thumb.  Right now I can only drag it toward my fingers. 

My Vulcan numbers are going to SUCK for WSH.  I'm still trying to sort out setting this thing.  Now it sounds like this year's spring is even harder.  Great.  I'm probably looking at a L9-L10 at best.  Pfft.  That's the highest level I have been able to set without bracing, and I can do reps.  A true 1RM on the Vulcan is impossible for me because I cannot physically set the gripper. 

Friday, July 22, 2011


Warm up

Working set
8x225 (est 1RM 285)

GHR negs 3x10

2HP @57mm
4x136 (singles)
4x156 (singles)

Blog drags x10 (each hand)
GHR included in assistance work.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Warm up
Mowed the lawn.
3x5x45 press

Working set
7x85 (est 1RM 104#)

Military press, 3x10x45, 2x10x55
Pullups, 5x10 (various grip)

GHR negs x8 (couldn't get 10, too painful from squat soreness)
Blog drags x10 (each hand)

>>> I wouldn't usually count mowing as a warm up, but we're in a stretch of record-breaking heat+humidity conditions.  I think the heat index yesterday was 105 or something.  Brutal. 

2HP PR at Nationals

This was my high moment for Nationals.  170.40# 2HP @ 162.6 bodyweight.  I've got plans to get a lot better at this lift for the 82.5kg WSH class.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Warm up
Jacks x100
20 x bodyweight squats

Working set
10x145 (est 1RM 193)

4x10x115 squat
4x10 lunges (both sides)

L7, 4x10

10 x GHR negs
10 x Blob drags (both hands)

>>> Great workout.  My squat form is getting better and this workout did not make my knees hurt.  I focused on keeping my toes out, slightly wider feet, kept my knees wide, and stayed back on my heels.  Felt good. 

The "Mandatory" category is something I'm adding to every training session.  I am going to do 10 GHR negs every workout until I get better at them.  I am also going to do Blob drags every workout becuase that's all I can do with it right now.  I'll eventually add incline and then go for lifts.


Nationals was an incredible experience.  I don't feel like there would be a write-up that I could give that could capture the electricity of the contest.  After writing a few comments about each competitor, I felt that it just doesn't do justice to the experience.  You know, so-and-so is a great guy.  So-and-so has crazy forearms.  The truth is that it's the sum of all these things that made it such a memorable time.  The sportsmanship, integrity of the judges and competitors, generosity of the sponsors, and comaraderie was all overwhelming.  I am very proud to be a member of this sport.

This was only my second competition.  Just like after my first comp (Adam Glass's Decathlon), I have a clear picture of what I need to do to get better.  Full body fitness, thick bar, and pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch.  Pinch is king. 

I've never been so excited and motivated to get back to training.  I am confident that my plans will pay off and my contest results will show the hard work.  I am very excited to compete in the 82.5 WSH weight class and I believe that if I work very hard I will be competitive in that class! 

My gripper performace was down from the Decathlon, but has not been a focus lately.  I closed a 141 gripper and closed a 149 in May.  2HP was my big success.  I hit 170# at 162 bodyweight.  That is a 18lbs contest PR, and a 10lbs all-time PR.  My medley was similar to the Decathlon medley.  Exposed my weakness for pinch feats and block weights.  Plateau Buster was down from the Decathon as well where I pulled 323 and only 300 at Nationals.  Overall I felt that I brought what I had for the events and the energy elevated my performance.  I expect bigger numbers from myself on the major events in the coming contests this year: three WSH legs and another Decathlon. 

Time to hit the gym!


Monday, July 11, 2011


Warm up
pushups 3x20

Working set
10x145 (Est 1RM 193)

Jack shit.

Grippers (between sets)
L8 Vulcan @ 20mm block, RH x12, LH x8
BBSM @20mm, x1
L8 Vulcan @ 20mm block, RH x10
#2, RH x5, LH x6
#1, no set reps x20, both hands.

>>> This workout was about not skipping a 5/3/1 workout, but also trying to play it safe because I don't want to be screwed up for nationals.  Bicep was a little tweeky on the 130 bench set, but is not bothering me now. 

In other news, we installed a paver patio this weekend in 100+ heat index conditions.  If you don't speak heat index, that hot as hell and humid as f***.  We ended the day, worn, beat, tired, and battling heat exhaustion.  But we got it done.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Warm up

Working set
6x215 (est 1RM 258)

Ain't doing jack shit
>>> no assistence because I need to work on 2HP before Nats!

2HP @57mm
140 x1, x3, x3
150 x1
165 x0, x0 (first lift came off the ground)
140 x1, x1
120 x10

>>> I tried the 57mm width because that's roughly the width of the 2x35s that I used to pinch on.  My PR in this lift is still on those old 35s.  However tonight I hopped 165 off the ground which would have been a PR!  I have not been able to budge that much weight on the 2HP setup so far.  I still hope to get some advice before the contest next week, and unless someone like Jedd can really give a good tip, I'll pinch at 57mm for the contest.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Warm up

Working set

Boring But Big
MP, 5x10x45
Chins, 5x10 (various grips)


DEADLIFT: 280 x .9 = 250
SQUAT: 180 x .9 = 165
MILITARY: 100 x .9 = 90
BENCH: 190 x .9 = 170

Yes, my bench is higher than my squat.  I repped out on 135 for squat and estimated the 1RM.  And my right knee swelled up a little, but went down again quickly.  I need to ease into squats.  Knees are a little achy today. 

I wanted to mention that I went on a couple of bike rides this weekend too.  I have been enjoying biking more than I thought.  If you had have asked me, "Do you like to bike?"  I would have said "no" but I think the correct answer is "yes."

Monday, July 4, 2011


The the new look of my blog represents my new outlook on training; starting now. 

Simple is what I'm after. 

One thing I know about myself is that if there is any question about what to do or how to do it; I'll do nothing.  Or, I'll go gonzo trying to max out on reps or weight.  In other words, I can be trusted to train myself. 

A trainer I respect advised me to steer clear of programs.  Simply say, "No thank you, I don't need your program."  What I'm sure he must have meant is, "I don't need your gimmick."  I can't see the harm in having a plan, in the form of someones program, so that Matt Cannon is not trying to reinvent the wheel.  Which if I am to be charged with creating a program, it should be marketed it as How to handicap yourself in a matter of weeks!  I'm sure it would go gangbusters if Tony Horton hosted.

5/3/1 is the simplest program I have ever seen.  The reason it appeals to me right now is because it seems like a simple plan that could be called "Weights 101."  It's not really even a program.  He didn't really do anything except show you how make a plan using Microsoft Excel.  It's simple and dummy-proof. 

I am essentially a beginner.  I don't know what to do, really.  I can't move a lot of weight.  I have not trained major lifts since high school.  I need a heaping helping of basic.  And this seems like a plan I can handle.  Three days per week.  If I have to get in, do the major lifts and get out--I think that will still be really good for me.  Because it's better than nothing which is what I've been doing for the better part of 14 years.  (And it's frightening that I've been out of high school that long!)

This is going to be my focus for the foreseeable future.  For the first time ever, I will work in grip exercises when possible.  And guess what--I expect any grip exercise I care about to go up at the same time.  Currently the grip exercises I care about are grippers, 2HP, and axle.  That's about it.  Meat and potatoes.  Basic. 

Finally, my infatuation with Battersea Power Station ties all this together for me.  It's an iconic fixture for my first love in music--Pink Floyd.  It's simple and symmetric in design, built like a fortress, and it's a damn power plant.  For these reasons, when I look at Battersea Power Station, I think about hard work, energy, and generating PRs.  I want these simple things from my training. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

bicep trouble

I've been having that strained feeling in my right bicep again for about a week now.  It actually showed up the morning after my 5K race.  No explanation for the pain, but it sure is lingering.  I ordered some Cissus RX and hope to get about two weeks of that under my belt prior to Nationals.  I don't like the idea of resting until Nationals, but when this was bothering me last year, rest was the only thing that helped....and it took a helluva lot longer than two weeks to feel better. 

My hopes are as follows:
1) Cissus really makes a difference.
2) It's not that bad afterall because no straining event brought it on like last time (which was multiple 20 rep sets of Rolling Thunder).
3) It will go away as suddenly as it showed up. 

Bike rides

It's been stinkin hot here, like 100+ heat index.  My car crapped out and needed $1900 in repairs so I drove it to Goodyear and then biked 5 miles home on Wednesday.  Then last night I biked the 5 miles back to get the car.  I really enjoyed both rides as they were kind of late and on trails mostly.  Lots of fireflies out and about.  Neither ride was very long, but I really like going. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


#1 x some
#2 x some
SM x some
Attempt at Vulcan L13, miss

>>> Lame.  Even my 5-year-old knew it.  Bailed and ate some Kashi and tuned into the Good Wife.  Quick, someone slap me. 

Monday, June 27, 2011


Two Hands Pinch @48mm
115 x5
135 x1, x1, x1
145 x1
165 attempts x4, hopped a couple of them.

135 x1, x1, x1

135 x1, x1, x1

>>> Still trying to learn from different widths and hand placement.  Thumbs never tore, but got real tender on the edge of the plate.  That's the only reason I stopped.  I think I like 52mm.  I will pick up there fresh for the next workout.

I hate this lift because I feel like I should be better at it than I am.  But I should be slapped for feeling that way because I've barely begun training the lift. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Official time was 25:42.  I'm actually surprised my watch time was so accurate. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First 5K Done!

25:40 is the unofficial time.  That is by my watch because the race results are not posted yet. 

I burned it at the end and passed a LOT of people who had been just ahead of me much of the race. 

The couple hills on the course killed me.  I trainined on a flat course.  Whoops!  Learned my lesson there.

Weather was ideal - a little cool and overcast.  I'll update the official time once it's published! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gripper again

Got a smooth triple band in a batch of grippers from Adam Glass to rate, so I took a shot at reps.

Got 12!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


No workout really, but on a whim tried to up my reps on the #2 for the World of Grip challenge.  I blasted my old total!  Got 18 and almost 19.  If I could keep the pace up better overall, I think over 20 is possible for me right now.  HUGE gain.  The work I'm doing with the Vulcan is translating into some gains! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Axle Deadlift

2 miles in 17:18
>>> Just trying to rip the band-aid off after vacation.  My first 5K is coming up on Saturday.  I plan to run 2 miles again on Wednesday and then rest until the race.  Goal for the race is to finish under 25mins!

180 x2, 1, 1, 1
250 x1, 1
280 x1, x0
180 x3, x3, x3

>>> HUGE PR for Axle Deads!  Previous best was 250# so this is a 30# PR!  I will definitely go over 300# at my next comp, I predict.  Here is a video of the lift!  (I know my hands need to be farther apart among other things to work on my form!)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Back from a week vacation in the Black Hills!

#3 x1, x1

RH Level 8: 15, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 9, 10, 4, 8, 2
Total: 92 reps

LH Level 7:  15, 15, 10, 15, 10, 8, 10, 8, 9, 3, 0
Total: 93 reps

>>> A few good things about this workout!  I've taken about 9 days off from training while on vacation.  But something with grippers is working (in combination with rest) because I blasted through the SM, GM and #3 pretty easily with no warm up at all. 

L8 was perfect for the right and L7 for the left.  The balanced reps show this I think.  Good workout. 

I still have trouble setting the Vulcan and am constantly worried about hurting my thumbs.  Setting the Vulcan really torques my thumbs.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Pushups, various
40, 21, 20, 20
Total: 101

Pullups, various grip
20, 20, 15
Total: 55

>>> Sets were alternating.  Good workout. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2HP upkeep and workout

2HP @ 49mm
115 x 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1
Total: 19

Pony Thumbs
3 sets

>>>  Well, I cleaned my plates last night. Took them all the way back down to original factory-fresh smooth shiny finish.

It was immediately apparent to me that the build-up and rust and whatever else stuck on there is not good. The fresh finish held just a touch of chalk and I clapped excess off my hands. This felt great. Really grippy.

I think the only difference between when they first arrived and the setup last night is that any oil on the plates was gone. When they arrived there was an oily residue on them from the manufacturing process and that is definitely stripped off now. Which would have happened anyway if I just would have been patient.

>>> I went wider again on the 2HP.  I feel like my fingers kind of lock on better at 48-49mm and will probably stick with this for the next couple of workouts.  Cut the workout short because it was late and I spent so much time re-finishing the plates. 

Monday, June 6, 2011



Right hand:
#3.5 negs x3
Vulcan L7 x20, 17, 17, 20, 10, 14, 15,
     10, 10, 12, 10, 7, 7, 4
Total: 173

Left hand:
Vulcan L7 x17, 10, 10, 10, 6, 8, 8, 2, 3,
     9, 5, 3, 0
Total: 91

>>> Almost double the reps from the previous workout.  Booyah.  I'm going up to L8 on the right and will probably do L7 again on the left.  Rest between sets was minimal, often just the time it toook to do the other hand. 

Friday, June 3, 2011


RUN/WALK 5K, 29:20.

>>> I ran with my daughter who was riding her awesome birthday bike.  It was hottish and humid and I'm not used to that yet.  I need to get better conditioned, because I can probably plan on hot and humid for race day in a few weeks. 

I had to walk because I felt like I was going to drop a kidney.  100% because of my diet today, I'm sure.  Still good exercise! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


2HP @46mm
115 x 5
135 x 1
150 x 1
160 x 0, x0
115 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 2

Total: 43 reps

IM Hub @ 35lbs
Reps: 5, 5

131 x 5
166 x 3
191 x 1
216 x 1
226 x partial lift (This was damn close to having enough height.)

>>> I'm not totally happy with how pinch feels.  I might try going wider again like 48 or 50mm.  The 135 and 150 lifts flew off the ground, but then I couldn't even budge 160.  Pfft.  I tore my right thumb a little on the 160 attempts; nothing too bad.  I think next time I am going to up the working sets from 115 to 125 and see how that feels.  I have to remember I'm still pretty green at actually training this lift. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dead man

Axle Deads
110 x5, x5, x5 (various stance)
180 x2, x2, x1 (sumo)
230 x1, x1, x1, x1 (sumo)

2.5" Dumbbell Deads @ 70lbs, various stance
Reps: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Push press @ 90lbs
Reps: 5, 5
(Just trying out this lift, practicing the movement)

Zercher Squat @ 90lbs
Reps: 5
(Again, just practicing the movement and didn't feel good tonight.)

Monday, May 30, 2011


P90X Chest/Back
Alternating pushups and pullups, many variations.
Total pushups = 157 over 11 sets
Total pullups = 64 over 8 sets

>>> On the first set of chins I got 22, which is a new personal best!  I felt light, but will admit they were not dead hangs each time.  Good range of motion though.  I have run into this problem before---I was good for more than 22 tonight, but didn't want to totally kill it because it was the first set.  

I have a hunch we are going to have a pullup challenge at work this week, so I'll kill it then.  Go for 30. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011


L7: 13/8, 12/6, 15/8, 11/6,
10/5, 11/4, 18/5, 9/0/3 (LH got zero so I dropped 2 levels)
Total reps: 99/45

Friday, May 27, 2011

Holy Buckets I'm Sore

2HP @ 46mm
115 x5 x5 x5 x5 x3 x5 x4 x4 x3
Total: 39 reps

BLOB assisted at 40
5 singles, then a miss.

FBBC 2.5" DB HANDLE, 50lbs, Deads with various stance
Reps: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Total: 80 reps

Pony Thumbs x2

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Official PR

My previous best with a credit card set (CCS) was the 129# 2.5 in this video

I mentioned in this workout that I finally closed my adjustable GM with the credit card set.  I went back and rated that gripper and it came out 132.88.  So that's an official PR!  I'll take it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


115 x5
135 x1, x1, x1
115 x5
115 x5

46 x3, 51 x2, 56 x2, 61 x2

2HP, Claw grip, 61 x2

IM Hub
35 x1
35 x5

>>> 2HP is starting to hold chalk.  I'm not incredibly happy with the 2HP numbers, but I just wanted a good workout and I got that.  Somehow I got some oil on my fingers...I couldn't figure out where it came from.  I tried to dry it out with chalk, but my hand kept slipping off.  Annoying. 

The "claw grip" on the 2HP was just something I tried randomly, but I couldn't believe how hard it hit the top of my forearms.  I might have to take a video of this.  Basically I grabbed the top of the 2HP like it was a steering wheel at 11 and 1.  Then I kind of sat back and braced my elbows so the 2HP would "lever" up and hang from my hands.  WAW, brutal on the top side of the forearm and I could feel it in my wrists too. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Run Like Hell

5k - 25:12

>>> This run felt on pace--if not faster than my 24:20 time.  So not positive what's going on there, but I felt like I pushed harder tonight.  Well, either way I earned the 25:12.  I pushed hard. 

Saw my four deer.  They're always out there and together.  Beautiful night after a weekend of storms and even tornados. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Light grippers

Maybe can't even consider this a workout.  I just did some light grippers while rating some grippers.  One success is that I closed my adjustable BBGM with a credit card set.  I meant to check the rating when I got done with the others and I forgot.  I'll probably adjust it so it's a little harder now. 

My left bicep is bothering me today, and I'm not sure why.  It's that strained feeling that I dread.  I can't think of any good reason why it would hurt, so maybe it won't hurt for long! 


I made a new grip logo that I have been thinking about for a while.  I started with a photo of my hand closing a #2 and then used MS Paint to draw over the photo. 

It took a LOT longer than I thought it would!  I am really happy with the result.  I will probably find a way to put the final logo on a t-shirt.  (My kids came around once while I was working on this and asked me to draw the rainbow, etc).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Vulcan @ 20mm
RH: L9 x10, L5 x8
LH: L9 x6, L5 x8

#1 CCS reps
RH x20
LH x12

>>> RH is down from last workout, but maybe to be expected due to the contest on Saturday.  And it's not down much.  LH was up so that is a win.  Grip is wiped out. 

Back on the Trail

RUN 5K - 24:20

>>> What a beautiful night!  Cool, light breeze, saw my deer, and absolutely killed my best 5K distance time.  Knocked about three minutes off in fact!

Tonight there was no walking.  My hip flexor only bothered me once but I did not have to stop and walk.  I had wheels and gas and running felt good tonight.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Decathlon Video Part 2

Here are my lifts. THANK YOU SO MUCH to Adam for filming and uploading these videos!

In order:
142 BBSM
149 #3
142# 2HP
152# 2HP
165# AXLE DEAD (I had no idea where to open.)
205# 2" V-BAR (Also got 215# but no video.)

Training thoughts.

I have some post-contest thoughts about my training. 

My impression in general is that having good pinch strength primarily, and then good thick bar strength secondarily will serve you well.  So I think this should be my focus between now and Nationals---and maybe for the rest of the year at least.  Wrist strength is another weakness of mine, but as it relates to a contest setting it seems like as much a novelty as grippers.

If I think about the places I could have done better in the contest:
1) Medley - Of the 14 items that I missed, 7 were pinch-related, 3 were thick-bar. 
2) 2HP - I think I need to be around 180 to record a competitive lift.
3) Axle Deads - thick bar work required.
4) 2" V-bar - seems like thick bar would have good carry over.

So the challenge for me will be figuring out how to properly train these effectively.  I'm not good with training theory.  What I do know is HARD WORK, so I'll start there. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Contest Video

Some of the videos are starting to get posted. Here is my medley run. This was the very last event at the end of the day.

Not my best event, but fun to watch!

Some of the highlights for me in this:

00:10 - That plate weighs 45lbs and I almost got that lift!
02:15 - These are called the Dinnie Rings. One stack weighs 180lbs, the other weighs 220lbs. 400lbs total!
02:30 - This is a 33lbs plate curl. It's not as much about curling the weight but whether your wrist can hold out.
02:40 - 8lbs sledge lever to your face. Another wrist thing and that is a weakness of mine. I was happy to get that lift!
03:15 - Unfortunately I tore about a dime size hole in both my thumbs trying to lift these plates! Blood. Had to stop.

Hopefully more videos to come!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Decathlon Results Pt 2

Here are some notes on the remaining events, 1-6 are in the previous post:

7. Middle finger deadlift on the double bastard
This lift was more fun than I thought it would be. There is blinding pain during the lift, and assuming your finger doesn't rip right off, the pain goes away shortly after the lift. Adam was the only one who had done the lift so he recommended we open at 100lbs. Chris might have opened higher. Ryan and I worked our way up to 164 by the third attempt. I tried to just sell the farm and steal third place by jumping 30lbs for the fourth attempt and I got 194. But Ryan had the last attempt and he added 5lbs to my lift. Dang! I am almost certain I could have lifted over 200 yesterday so I am going to start training this lift. Adam got a low 200 and Chris ran away with this one at 230 I think.

8. Rim lift
The lift was less fun than I thought it would be. I opened at 100 and worked up to either 140 or 150 and that felt like it was going to rip my fingers off. Ryan was right around there too, Chris took 2nd, and I think Adam lifted 200-ish for the win.

9. 2x45s for reps in 1min, two hands pinch
This was a forearm blaster. Ryan volunteered to go first with this one and he got 34 reps. I just wanted to beat him by one, but the best I could do is tie; I got 34 as well. Chris and Adam tied at 39. Chris says, "That probably just cut my medley in half." But there was a lot of rest before the medley and as you'll see, he did just fine.

10. Medley.
I will try and remember all the items and their weights and who got what. There were 29 possible points. Adam and Chris tied at 28, Ryan got 19.5, and I got 15:

80-ish 1" v-bar >>> Everyone
45 hub >>> Chris and Adam.
90-ish 2" v-bar >>> Everyone
13# rear sledge lever >>> Adam, Chris, Ryan
8# front sledge lever >>> Everyone. I was surprised to get this.
25-ish pound steel disk pinch >>> Everyone
40-ish pound steel disk pinch >>> Everyone
72.5# 1HP >>> Chris and Adam
10lbs hub >>> Everyone
25lbs hub >>> Everyone
100# thick handle dumbbell >>> Adam, Chris
180 Rolling thunder >>> Adam, Chris
2x35s pinch >>> Adam, Chris. This the last item I tried and I TOTALLY ripped both my thumbs. Very nasty tears. These will take a while to heal.
30# GripTopz stub >>> Everyone.
47.5 Blob >>> Adam, Chris
Legacy 50 blob >>> Adam, Chris.
Blob50 >>> Adam, Chris
Wrist Developer at some setting >>> Adam, Chris, Ryan. I missed this.
Dinnie Rings lift, I think 400# >>> Everyone
Light Blob trainer >>> Everyone
35# block weight >>> Everyone
smaller block weight >>> Everyone
thin 25# plate curl >>> Everyone
33# plate curl (fatter and smaller diameter) >>> Everyone, I was surprised to get this one too. I had to grunt it out.
33# plate curl (thinner and bigger diameter) >>> This was Chris's only miss. Adam got this one.
small kettlebell by the bottom >>> Everyone
larger kettlebell by the bottom >>> Chris got this one, but Adam missed.
56lb kettlebell bottoms-up lift >>> Adam, Chris, Ryan
Deadlift two 3" dumbbells with 105# on each >>> Adam, Chris. I think Ryan got 1/2pt for lift one alone.

Again I want to thank these guys. I sure got pumped up for this. I hit some huge PRs and I'm sure half of that was because they were cheering me on!

Decathlon Results

Overall I placed 4th in the Advanced Class. I am EXTREMELY happy with my performance. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe my scores would have won the Open Class had I competed there, but I don't think I would have recorded the lifts that I did if I hadn't been pushed by Ryan, Chris, and Adam. Fourth, a.k.a. last, was a huge victory for me in the Advanced Class. Here are some notes on each event. I apologize again that I don't have the scores in front of me so this is all from memory right now.

1. Grippers
I took 3rd with a 149 #3 close, which I absolutely killed. I had two misses with a 154 GM, the second was razor thin. Grippers was the only even all day where I am disappointed with my performance. I should have got that 154. Oh well, cause I didn't see 3rd place many other times. Adam and Chris both got a 179 Elite. Ryan got 142.

2. 2HP
Great set-up, plates were seasoned, very grippy. I opened at 142, got 152 and then missed 162. I got 162 off the ground and lost it on the way up. Almost! I really wanted the bodyweight lift. Ryan tied me at 152 and I think Chris went high 180s and Adam just over 200-something.

3. Double Overhand Axle
This was a solid, smooth bar. But the grip was definitely better than my black iron pipe. I didn't think this was a good lift for me and I have not trained it much. But I pulled a 50# PR! 200 was my best in training. I got 250 today. I opened way low--160, then 190, then 225, then 250. All pretty easy lifts. I definitely could have gone higher, but at the time I was out of attempts and didn't want to press my luck with injury since I'm not too experienced at this lift. This alone could have cost me 3rd place. Ryan pulled 285 to my 250. Good points for him. Chris pulled high 300-something and Adam had a sick lift at 403 or thereabouts.

4. 2" V-bar
Another 3rd place for me. I opened at 205 and then got 215. Ryan got the 205 but then jumped to 225 I think and stalled out. So he was stuck with his opener. The grip on the bar was good, but it turns out easier than my homemade bar. That tripped me up so I didn't take a 3rd attempt because it bothered my wrist. I was happy with 215! I don't remember Adam and Chris's numbers.

5. GripTopz Coin Lift
This was my best showing all day. I tied Chris for 2nd place with a 30# lift. I think Ryan lifted 25 and Adam won with 37.5. Fun lift.

6. One-hand dead lift, plateau buster
The implement was made by Ryan at Stronger Grip. It was kind of a suitcase handle with horizontal bars hanging below for weight. Lots of weight. I had no idea on this one so I took recommendations from Adam. I can't remember where I started, but I ended just over 300. Ryan was right in the same place. Chris lifted 400-something and Adam cleared 500 lbs. Not a typo. I think he lifted 550-ish. Insane.

Again, some of the numbers I can't remember exactly and hopefully the results will get posted on Adam's blog or elsewhere.

I'll type more on the last four events when I have time.