Monday, June 27, 2011


Two Hands Pinch @48mm
115 x5
135 x1, x1, x1
145 x1
165 attempts x4, hopped a couple of them.

135 x1, x1, x1

135 x1, x1, x1

>>> Still trying to learn from different widths and hand placement.  Thumbs never tore, but got real tender on the edge of the plate.  That's the only reason I stopped.  I think I like 52mm.  I will pick up there fresh for the next workout.

I hate this lift because I feel like I should be better at it than I am.  But I should be slapped for feeling that way because I've barely begun training the lift. 

1 comment:

  1. Will you be at the November Grip Decathlon? I'll be there - barring a catastrophic event.

    Ben Edwards
