Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rolling Thundah!

I like Rolling Thunder. It really makes me feel human! Not like I really feel super-human otherwise, but this is always a humbling lift for me.
  • 70 x10
  • 105 x3
  • 130 x1
  • 145 x1/2 pull, x0 lifted for a neg
  • 120 x15, made it with both, left did better than right.
  • pony thumbs x3
I think it's interesting that my 15 rep performance feels like it's improving where my max is not necessarily. I need to try 125 next time. I also think I need to do this more often to see a good gain.


  1. Matt,

    Your power with grippers with beyond what the average Joe can do , so i would say u are not human for a 170/180lbs guy:-)

    Your friendshiep and drive to close the #3(ccs) its the main key : u are made from greatness!

  2. Thanks Hugo! I'm actually more of a 160/170lbs guy. I've never weighed more than about 172 and usually weigh about 165lbs.
