Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something about "best laid plans"

Well, not a lot of workouts are happening. My nagging bicep injury is still nagging.

I did get my new plate-loaded grip machine and foolishly played around with that Sunday night. It really aggravated my bicep, which now feels about like it did in November when this started. I'm going to have the guy who made the machine change the handles so I have to get the machine back to him. That way I won't be tempted to use it either!

So what is the saying about "best laid plans" anyway? They sometimes go awry?

Anyone have recovery tips?

1 comment:

  1. That sucks with the bicep. When I did my MM0 I could only do 3 attempts before I was in so much pain I couldn't do any other direct grip. That was happening for at least the last 2-3 weeks of kta.

    I ended up using a homemade "orbital" type trainer and I think it pulled me through. Just with light weight and 100+ revolutions each way really flushed the wrist, forearm, upper and shoulder. The cyclic stress was easy on my bicep and I think the additional blood flow helped a lot.

    I think I got hit with it because I wasn't working my extensors hard enough so with that pain in the background I force my fingers back open against my other hand after every set a few times and try to hit reverse curls once a week.

    That seems to have worked for me.

    Hope you get better.

