Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm having some neurological misfire symptoms again similar to what was happening back in September.

They symptoms were pain in the forearm flexors and lingering numbness, twitching, burning, itching, and pain in my thumb, ring, and pinkie fingers.  Nothing came of this last time.  The hand specialist I saw thought it might be "neuritis" which he described as a general irriation of the nervous system that can manifest itself this way.  He also thought it was not carpal tunnel. 

I was reading about cubital tunnel, which is the same thing as carpal tunnel except with the ulnar nerve getting trapped in the elbow.  Except with that it doesn't seem that the thumb should be invovled.   

I think I'm going to look into Graston Technique again.  This is a therapy that can really help carpal tunnel type symptoms by breaking up adhesions in the forearm.

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