Hi, my name is Matt. And I have back trouble.
In a nutshell, I got good news today. MRI results. I have a disk extrusion--and probably more accurately
still have a disk extrusion. I injured my back in 2008 and never had surgery. Physical therapy has managed it well, but I have some new symptoms. Possibly from an August car accident. The good news? Currently no action is required, but I need to make some lifestyle changes.
Bye bye 5/3/1.
It's nothing about the program, per se, but I am a person who should not be deadlifting or squatting with weight. Body weight squats? Great. Do as many as possible. Pick up the kids? Okay, just don't throw them.
If I'm being honest, I was doing 5/3/1 to "try and add some mass". Or maybe "build a base of strength." It's a little embarrassing to write that. (Parrot Matt will say anything. That stupid bird.) 5/3/1 is a good program, I believe that, but maybe I should do things that make sense to me. Things that are good for who I am instead of who I want to be. I'll never be a big person. Maybe I should focus on being a strong person.
So here's the deal. I've been cleared for basically any body weight exercise I can imagine. So I will focus on those. Specifically, I'm interested in pull ups, push ups, and lunges. Okay, you got me, not so much lunges. But I have to do something for my legs. Also there are all my favorite grip lifts. Most I can modify in some way so that I'm not taking risks with my back. 2HP will be the biggest challenge but I can work with that. Partials in training and things like TTK to supplement. 9-o-clock and all is well. These things will be plenty to keep me fit.
Who am I?
I'm a 165 pound, 32-year-old, grip-o-holic who is going to be able to rip off a shit-ton of pull ups. I can live with that.