Monday, March 30, 2009

Thank You, Aaron!

First, I want to thank Aaron for the wonderful adjustable grippers! He takes the pins out of Beef Builder grippers and replaces them with set screws so the mount is adjustable. Phenomenal product. You can inquire here. Thank you so much Aaron!

So this video is my starting point with the adjustable BBGM. It's set at a 1/4" mount and calibrated at 136#. I think if I would not have had such a good pinch workout just a couple of days ago, this would have been closed.


  1. Glad you like the new grippers.

  2. very good effort Matt! u almost killed it! (even without chalk!):-)ewokhugo.

  3. Thanks Hugo! I was surprised, I have to say. I'm happy to have this as a starting point because I have been using such a deep set for so long.
